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    Emaar Properties PJSC

    Emaar Properties PJSC
    P.O.Box 9440
    Tel: ‎+971 4 367 3333
    Fax: ‎+971 4 367 3000

    Emaar Properties PJSC, a Dubai-based Public Joint Stock Company listed on the Dubai Financial Market, is a global property developer and provider of premier lifestyles.

    Emaar has been shaping landscapes and lives in the Emirate since the company’s inception in 1997. The company specializes in creating value-added, master-planned communities that meet the full spectrum of lifestyle needs. A highlight of Emaar’s approach to developing integrated lifestyle destinations is Downtown Dubai, the 500-acre mega-project, home of Burj Khalifa – the world’s tallest building which features the world’s first Armani Hotel Dubai and the world’s highest restaurant, At.mosphere; The Dubai Mall – the world’s largest shopping and entertainment destination; and The Dubai Fountain, the world’s tallest performing fountain set in a 30 acre lake.

    Emaar is extending its expertise in developing master-planned communities internationally, and today, has a significant presence in several key global markets with established operations in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, India, Pakistan, Turkey, USA and Canada.

    Emaar has made extensive forays in the hospitality & leisure sector with the current portfolio of Emaar Hospitality Group LLC encompassing The Address Hotels + Resorts, the group’s five star premium hotel brand, Armani Hotels & Resorts, among others. In addition, Emaar’s flagship shopping mall development, The Dubai Mall, has become the world’s largest shopping and entertainment destination, hosting 54 million visitors in 2011.

    While continuing to actively pursue expansion in its core business of innovative, high quality real estate development, Emaar has diversified into related business lines to further build value for its shareholders, including the Government of Dubai. Emaar’s focused expansion and diversification strategy sees it firmly positioned to take global centre-stage as a multinational and diversified business group.

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    Time Last Volume
    12:56:11 8,00 464
    12:56:01 8,00 8 014
    12:56:01 8,00 8 014
    12:56:01 8,00 107 795
    12:56:01 8,00 2 605
    12:56:01 8,00 1 773
    12:56:01 8,00 66 961
    12:55:58 8,00 2 576
    12:55:53 8,00 10 000
    12:55:21 8,00 796
    Displayed time is based on the time zone of your choice on Euroland.com
    Time 12:56:11
    Last 8,00
    Change % 0,00 
    Change 0,00 
    Bid/Ask 8,00 / 8,01
    Open 8,00
    High/Low 8,00 / 7,96
    Volume 6 278 376
    Previous Close 8,00
    52 Weeks High 8,64
    52 Weeks Low 6,20
    52 Weeks %   16,27 
    YTD %   1,01 
    Volatility 24,09
    Beta 1,55
    Correlation 0,74
    Symbol EMAAR
    Market  Dubai
    List  -
    Domestic Industry  Real Estate & Construction
    Euroland-Industry  Real estate development
    Shares (mil)1 8 838,79
    Market Cap (mil) 70 710,32
    1 - Number of shares in specific class of share. Otherwise it is total number of shares issued.

     DFM General Index
     DFM Real Estate

    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Data provided by vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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