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    Rapala VMC Oyj

    Rapala VMC Oyj
    Mäkelänkatu 91
    00610 Helsinki
    Tel: ‎+358 9 7562 540
    Fax: ‎+358 9 7562 5440
    E-mail: info@rapala.fi

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    Financial Calendar  

    year 2011

    Statement by President and CEO

    pm_121212_english.jpgYear 2011 turned out to be more challenging year than initially anticipated, but we came through with good results. Sales wise it was another record year and our profitability remained close to last year’s record levels, proving our ability to perform well even when the times are more challenging. Our expectations for 2012 are positive.

    Year 2011 marked another record year as our net sales approached 280 million euro. While the weather, natural disasters and increased economic uncertainties together with supply chain and operative challenges impacted negatively the performance of some of our units, this was more than offset by solid performance of the others. Our truly global presence in the fishing tackle market is again showing its merits.

    The geographical footprint of our operations continued to expand during 2011. Lure and hook manufacturing operations started on Batam Island in Indonesia and new sourcing office was opened in Taiwan. New distribution companies were opened in Mexico, Indonesia and Kazakhstan strengthening our unique distribution network further.

    Our strategic alliance with Shimano in Europe was deepened through the establishment of a joint venture distribution company in the UK.

    In 2011 we also divested our Chinese gift manufacturing business. This business, which became part of the Group back in 2001 through acquisition of Willtech lure manufacturing, found now its new home with its major customer French Pylones SAS.

    The grand opening of Peltonen Ski Oy’s new factory was celebrated this autumn. The modern facility increases our cross country ski manufacturing volumes and efficiency. The Finnish distribution operations also relocated into new larger premises.

    The work to improve the supply chain between our factories and distribution companies is gradually bearing fruit and our service levels to our main customers especially in the USA were very good. We still need to continue the work to improve our performance on managing our inventory levels and this issue is high on the management agenda during 2012.

    This year was no exception when it comes to the International Game Fishing Association’s awards for catching world record fishes. Rapala lures: number one again. Year after year these awards undisputedly demonstrate that we can develop and manufacture fishing tackle that truly catch big fish. I’m confident that also in the coming seasons we’ll introduce hot new items, which will continue this tradition.

    2011 was another busy year and we could not have achieved all the great results without our great people. Thank you all for that! The spirit and culture within the Rapala Group is something unique. I’m sure that together with our partners we will be able to achieve even better results in 2012.

    Our expectations for 2012 are positive. Our balance sheet is stronger than ever, enabling us to look at new interesting opportunities and giving security during challenging times. I have no reason not to believe that 2012 will be another good year for us. We’ll all work hard for that all around the world.

    Jorma Kasslin
    President and CEO

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