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    Embla Medical hf

    Embla Medical hf
    Grjothals 5
    110 Reykjavik
    Tel: ‎+ 354 515 1300
    Fax: ‎+ 354 515 1366
    E-mail: mail@ossur.com

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    Year in Brief  

    year 2015

    Highlights 2015

    • Sales growth was 5% measured in local currency and sales amounted to USD 483 million.

    • Bracing and supports sales growth was 5% and 5% organic, both measured in local currency.

    • Prosthetics sales growth was 6% and 4% organic, both measured in local currency.

    • Gross profit amounted to USD 303 million or 63% of sales, compared to USD 323 million or 63% of sales in 2014.

    • EBITDA amounted to USD 97 million or 20% of sales. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to USD 99 million or 20% of sales compared to USD 104 million or 20% of sales in 2014.

    • Net profit amounted to USD 51 million or 11% of sales compared to USD 59 million or 12% of sales in 2014.

    • USD strengthening has had a significant negative impact on reported sales and profits when comparing to prior year results.

    • Cash generated by operations amounted to USD 84 million or 17% of sales compared to USD 98 million or 19% of sales in 2014.

    • The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting in 2016 that the Company pays a cash dividend of DKK 0.12 per share for 2015, equivalent to 16% of net earnings in 2015.

    • The Board of Directors will also propose to the Annual General Meeting to reduce the share capital by cancelling 1,892,688 of the Company's own shares.

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