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    Wealthking AI-Innovation Capital Ltd.

    Wealthking AI-Innovation Capital Ltd.
    41/F One Exchange Square,8 Connaught Place Central
    Tel: ‎(852) 2842 9688
    Fax: ‎ (852) 2842 9666
    E-mail: ir@1140.com.hk

    OP Financial Limited is an investment company that develops customized syndicate investment solutions leveraging proprietary capital and co-investment structures to access scalable opportunities. An exempted company with limited liability under the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands, its shares are listed on the Main Board of HKEX (Stock code: 01140).

    Part of the Oriental Patron Group which was founded in 1993, OP Financial possesses a strong global network of investment partners and industry leaders, as well as meaningful government relationships in Asia. Based in Hong Kong, we are uniquely positioned to develop high-return China-centric investment solutions to global investors; and strategic global solutions to Chinese institutional investors.

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    Wealthking AI (HKSE)‎  
    Last 0,11      Change % 0,00 
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    Time Last Volume
    08:40:04 / 2024-07-04 0,11 4 000
    08:40:04 / 2024-07-04 0,11 8 000
    08:39:52 / 2024-07-04 0,11 88 000
    08:38:13 / 2024-07-04 0,11 16 000
    08:38:13 / 2024-07-04 0,11 84 000
    08:38:13 / 2024-07-04 0,11 12 000
    07:58:28 / 2024-07-04 0,11 8 000
    07:58:28 / 2024-07-04 0,11 392 000
    07:52:02 / 2024-07-04 0,11 88 000
    07:52:02 / 2024-07-04 0,11 12 000
    Displayed time is based on the time zone of your choice on Euroland.com
    Time 2024-07-04
    Last 0,11
    Change % 0,00 
    Change 0,00 
    Bid/Ask 0,11 / 0,12
    Open 0,11
    High/Low 0,11 / 0,11
    Volume 0
    Previous Close 0,11
    52 Weeks High 0,45
    52 Weeks Low 0,10
    52 Weeks %   -54,29 
    YTD %   -70,53 
    Volatility 67,70
    Beta N/A
    Correlation N/A
    Symbol 1140
    Market  Hong Kong
    List  Main Board
    Domestic Industry  Other Financials
    Euroland-Industry  Investment firms
    Shares (mil)1 10 520,32
    Market Cap (mil) 1 178,28
    1 - Number of shares in specific class of share. Otherwise it is total number of shares issued.


    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Data provided by vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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