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    Wealthking AI-Innovation Capital Ltd.

    Wealthking AI-Innovation Capital Ltd.
    41/F One Exchange Square,8 Connaught Place Central
    Tel: ‎(852) 2842 9688
    Fax: ‎ (852) 2842 9666
    E-mail: ir@1140.com.hk

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    year 2018

    OP Financial is a cross-border investor with a focus on China’s fast growing industries and the best investment opportunities. We believe a long-term investment perspective is a critical enabler of responsible investment. The close integration among industries, technology, and financial capital has become an irresistible trend, leading to the new industrial revolution. Our mission is to identify great companies and enhance their performance by providing patient capital and support to strong management teams.

    Being an owner of the portfolio, we invest off our own balance sheet. Our investment covers long-term core holding, mid-term private equity and venture capital, and short-term arbitrage opportunities, with returns generating from interests, dividends, and capital appreciation.

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