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    Emaar Properties PJSC

    Emaar Properties PJSC
    P.O.Box 9440
    Tel: ‎+971 4 367 3333
    Fax: ‎+971 4 367 3000

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    Year in Brief  

    year 2014

    Key Achievements

    • Successfully launched 13 new projects in Dubai in 2014 with a total sales value of AED 10,394; total sales in FY 2014 amounted to AED 12,338 BN.

    • Emaar Malls Group lists on DFM following a landmark IPO transaction that was over 30 times over subscribed, raising AED 5.8BN.

    • Together, the Hospitality, Malls, and Retail subsidiaries contributed 54% of the Group’s revenue and 71% of EBITDA.

    • Hotels average occupancy of 83% in 2014; 85% at The Address Hotels.

    • The Dubai Mall sets another world record with 80 Million visitors in 2014—the highest in the world; Dubai Mall sales contribute 5% to Dubai's GDP!

    • Emaar Misr achieves a 69% increase in sales Y-o-Y, up to EGP 7.1 BN in 2014.

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