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    Fortum Oyj

    Fortum Oyj
    Keilaniementie 1
    FI-00048 Espoo
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    Press releases  


    Fortum Service improves dam safety in Latvia

    Fortum Service has signed a contract for a project for increasing dam safety on the Daugava River in Latvia. The work has been ordered by Latvia’s state-owned power company Latvenergo, and the contract is a continuation of several years of consulting services.

    The contract includes supervising the planning and construction work of reserve spillways in the Plavinas hydropower plant. The work will be performed in cooperation with the Swiss consulting firm Electrowatt-Ekono. The consultation work will be lead by Fortum Service. The work will continue until 2011, and consultation during the period of guarantee will last until 2013.

    The project is to begin at the turn of the year.

    Fortum Service

    For further information, please contact:

    Heikki Yli-Kovero, Fortum Service, Baltic Business Development, phone (+358) 10 453 2303
    Juha Laasonen, Fortum Service, Hydropower Services, phone (+358) 10 453 2655  

    Fortum Service delivers operation and maintenance services to industry and power companies in the Nordic and Baltic Rim countries and selected international markets in Europe and Asia.

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