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    Fortum Oyj

    Fortum Oyj
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    Fortum makes a Christmas donation to organisations supporting children

    Fortum has for several years made an annual donation to charity organisations instead of Christmas gifts and cards. The choice of charity organisation is voted by the employees of Fortum in each country. This year Fortum's employees voted for charity organisations that supports children and young people.
    Fortum’s employees voted between three nominated organisations supporting children. Finland, Sweden, Poland and the Baltic Countries had country specific organisations to choose from. In total Fortum’s Christmas donation of 2011 is 90 000 euro.

    “As an energy company of the next generation we will grant charity organisation that supports children and youth. The engagements from the employees were essential to our Christmas donation, says Ann Lindell Saeby”, Vice President External Communication and Brand.

    The donations will go to:

    In Sweden: Friends (dedicated to the prevention of mobbing or bullying)In Finland: Save the Children (for support families to help children living in difficult conditions) In Poland: Fundacja Dziecięca Fantazja (fulfilling dreams of terminally ill children) In Estonia: Parnu Lastekula (Children Village)In Latvia: Sun's Child (Association for disabled children) In Lithuania: Vaiko širdies asociacija (Children's heart association), Jaunimo linija (youth line that provide emotional support for children and teenagers), Gelbėkit vaikus (Save the Children)

    Fortum Corporation

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