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    Fortum Oyj

    Fortum Oyj
    Keilaniementie 1
    FI-00048 Espoo
    Tel: ‎+358 10 4511
    Fax: ‎+358 10 45 24447
    E-mail: communications@fortum.com

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    Fortum's new websites have been launched

    The most notable changes have been made in the structure and layout of the sites. Now the corporate information and services for the residential and business customers are available on separate sites.

    On the corporate site - www.fortum.com - you can find the news, vacancies, services for the media and information about investor relations, sustainability and energy production. The content is in Finnish and English.

    The services for residential and business customers are available on the local web sites. You can easily find customer information about sales and distribution of electricity, distribution and district heating. The site contents are in local languages.

    For the end user the most significant change can be seen in the looks and layout of the sites. However, behind this there is also a completely new technology which enables versatile development of online services for our customers and other stakeholders.

    We hope you like our new websites! Feel free to give us your feedback and development proposals.

    Fortum Corporation

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