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    Fortum Oyj

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    Press releases  


    Groundbreaking of Fortum subsidiary TGC-10’s new Nyaganskaya plant in Russia

    A groundbreaking ceremony took place today at Fortum subsidiary TGC-10’s new Nyaganskaya combined cycle power plant. The plant is being constructed near Nyagan, a town in the heart of Russia’s gas and oil producing region in the Khanty-Mansisk Autonomous Region (KhMAR) in western Siberia. Officially launching the construction were the Governor of the KhMAR Alexander Philippenko, Head of RAO UES of Russia Anatoly Chubais, President and CEO of Fortum Mikael Lilius and General Director of TGC-10 Andrey Shishkin.

    The new power plant will comprise three gas-fired units that each have a power production capacity of 400 MW. The first two units will be commissioned in 2011 and the third in 2012. Once completed, the power plant will have an annual production of 8.6 TWh of electricity. According to RAO UES, power consumption in the region is estimated to increase by over 50% by 2010 based on the last five years’ development.

    With an estimated total investment cost of about EUR 1 billion, the construction of Nyaganskaya CHP is currently the largest single investment project in the Russian power sector. It will be financed with means attracted during TGC-10’s additional share issue arranged in March 2008 and with bonded debts and bank loans.

    TGC-10 is a territorial generating company operating in the Urals and Western Siberia regions. The company was founded in 2006 as part of the Russian power sector reform. The total installed capacity of TGC-10 and its affiliates is 3,000 MW of electricity and 15,800 MW of heat with annual production of 18 TWh of electricity and 27 of TWh heat. The Nyaganskaya investment is part of TGC-10’s extensive investment plan to further increase its electricity production capacity with 2,300 MW by 2013.

    Fortum acquired a majority share in TGC-10 in an auction held in February 2008 and currently holds 76.5% of TGC-10 shares. Fortum has made a mandatory public tender offer for the entire share capital of TGC-10 to minorities. The offer acceptance period ends on 18 July 2008.

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