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    Nordea Bank Abp

    Nordea Bank Abp
    Smålandsgatan 17
    SE-105 71 Stockholm
    Tel: ‎+46 8 614 78 00
    Fax: ‎+46 8 614 87 70

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    Press releases  


    Nordea presents its results for 2004 on 23 February

    Nordea will present its full year results on Wednesday, 23 February.

    Press conference
    Time: 12.00 CET.
    Place: Regeringsgatan 59, Stockholm.
    Lars G Nordstr?m, President and Group CEO, will present the results. Christian Clausen, head of Asset Management & Life, will participate to talk about results within the business area for which he is responsible and how it will continue to deliver growth.
    The press conference can be viewed live on www.nordea.com where you will also be able to find the presentation material.
    Analyst presentation
    Time: 15.30 CET.
    Place: Sm?landsgatan 24, Stockholm.
    Lars G Nordstr?m, President and Group CEO, Arne Liljedahl, Group CFO, Carl-Johan Granvik, Group CRO, and Johan Ekwall, Head of Investor Relations, will present the results for analysts. This presentation will be held in Swedish. The presentation material will be available on www.nordea.com.
    International telephone conference for analysts
    Time: 17.30 CET.
    To participate: dial +44 (0) 207 769 6433 latest ten minutes prior (17.20 CET). Access code is Nordea.
    Lars G Nordstr?m, President and Group CEO, and Arne Liljedahl, Group CFO, will participate.
    Replay: available through 2 March by dialing +44 (0) 207 769 6425, access code 483007#.
    Analyst presentation in London on 24 February
    Time: 11:45 GMT for a 12.00 GMT start.
    Place: The Great Eastern Hotel, Great Eastern Room, Liverpool Street, London EC2.
    Lars G Nordstr?m, President and Group CEO, Arne Liljedahl, Group CFO, Carl-Johan Granvik, Group CRO and Johan Ekwall, Head of Investor Relations will be present. The presentation, including Q&As, is expected to last one hour and will be followed by a buffet luncheon.
    To attend: contact Carla van den Akker by fax +44 (0) 20 7888 6151, telephone +44 (0) 20 7888 8925 or e-mail carla.vandenakker@csfb.com.
    The press release can be downloaded from the following link:
    For further information:

    Boo Ehlin, Chief Communication Officer Sweden, +46 8 614 8611

    Johan Ekwall, Head of Investor Relations, +46 8 614 7852

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