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    Toyota Tsusho Corporation

    Toyota Tsusho Corporation
    9-8, Meieki 4-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-8575
    电话: ‎+81-52-584-5000
    电子邮件: ttc_hp@pp.toyota-tsusho.com

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    Untitled Document

    Fundamental Philosophy

    Unchanging ideals that should be passed on to future generations

    Corporate Philosophy
    Living and prospering together with people, society, and the Earth, we aim to be a value-generating corporation that contributes to the creation of a prosperous society.

    Behavioral Guidelines
    As a good corporate citizen, we will:

  • Implement open and fair corporate activities
  • Fulfill our social responsibilities and conserve the global environment.
  • Offer creativity and provide added value
  • Respect people and create an active working environment filled with job satisfaction

  • Vision

    This sets out the goals and milestones we aim to reach by 2020 while continuing to adhere to our Fundamental Philosophy.

    Global 2020 Vision

    We prepared the Global 2020 Vision with a view to realizing our Fundamental Philosophy by setting out our target corporate profile for 2020.

    The Ideal Image and Vision:

    • A company that recognizes its responsibility toward ensuring a sustainable global environment and industry
    • A company that will spearhead the Toyota Group, actively leveraging its know-how cultivated in the automotive field and seeking out new challenges with a robust frontier spirit
    • A company that consistently generates new value staying ahead of the times
    • A company that instills a strong sense of confidence and trust, providing peace of mind and safety to its customers

    TRY-1, Breakthrough and Co-creation:

    • Each and every member of the Toyota Tsusho Group is dedicated to exploring unlimited horizons and creating new value in harmonious coexistence; placing particular emphasis on business growth in the three fields (Tri Fields) of Mobility, Earth & Resources, and Life & Community; and realizing a balanced 1:1:1 business portfolio by generating synergies.
    • In our efforts to secure a top ranking we will endeavor to create and develop a workplace environment that is both motivating and rewarding to employees. We will also work diligently to secure a leading presence and standing in an increasing number of countries and regions and create No. 1 businesses through processes that realize a Tri-1 (1:1:1) business portfolio.

    Long-term Business Plan & Annual Plan:

    Long-term Business Plan

      Annual Plan
    Revised each fiscal year in light of changes in business conditions, this guides our business activities over the coming five years.

    This sets out the fiscal year’s strategies, action plans, and numerical targets.

    The Toyota Tsusho Group Way

    Values and principles of conduct to be shared by all Toyota Tsusho directors and employees to realize the Group’s Fundamental Philosophy and Vision

    • A Passion for Business
    • On Site, Hands on, in Touch
    • Team power

    Flagship Message

    G’VALUE with you is the slogan motivating the Toyota Tsusho Group toward realization of its Corporate Philosophy.
    The slogan’s “G” refers to the initial letter of the Toyota Tsusho Group’s keywords.


    : Expansion of our activities on the world stage
    :Sustaining a healthy and glowing morale and passion
    :Continuing to create new businesses








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