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    Toyota Tsusho Corporation

    Toyota Tsusho Corporation
    9-8, Meieki 4-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-8575
    电话: ‎+81-52-584-5000
    电子邮件: ttc_hp@pp.toyota-tsusho.com

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    English | 日本語

    Our Group slogan, “G’VALUE with you,” was created as a symbol of our new resolve. As our “flagship message,” this slogan is the embodiment of both our guiding principles and commitment to stakeholders.

    The letter “G” stands for three keywords that are important to the Toyota Tsusho Group:

    Global   Development of our activities on the global stage
    Glowing   Sustaining a healthy yet glowing morale and passion
    Generating   Constant generation of new businesses

    The three Gs are essential to value creation at the Toyota Tsusho Group. Each and every employee will be encouraged to identify their own “G” themes and to work toward their own goals and themes. Their collective efforts will culminate in the overall “G’VALUE” delivered by the Toyota Tsusho Group. The “with you” in our slogan expresses our determination to work together with shareholders, customers, business partners and other stakeholders to create even more “G’VALUE” and return benefits to all stakeholders.

    The Toyota Tsusho Group has formulated VISION 2015—LEAD THE NEXT to guide its efforts in achieving sustained growth well into the future. The highest priority is to generate an equal share of earnings from automotive and non-automotive fields by 2015. Initiatives are already under way to reach this goal.

    In the automotive field, Toyota Tsusho aims to accelerate growth by continuing to allocate resources to reinforcing existing functions and creating new ones, in response to projected expansion in the global automobile business and production. At the same time, Toyota Tsusho plans to further accelerate growth by forming stronger ties with automakers outside the Toyota Group.

    In non-automotive fields, Toyota Tsusho will focus on reinforcing and developing energy businesses such as electric power, gas and coal, based on its project planning, development and management expertise. In the fields of produce and foodstuffs, and consumer products, services and materials, the Company will focus resources on operations that demonstrate its capabilities and realize high added value.

      2016 » (ENGLISH)
      2015 » (ENGLISH)
      2014 » (ENGLISH)
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      2005 » (ENGLISH)

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