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    Toyota Tsusho Corporation

    Toyota Tsusho Corporation
    9-8, Meieki 4-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-8575
    Tel: ‎+81-52-584-5000
    E-mail: ttc_hp@pp.toyota-tsusho.com

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    Press releases  


    Biodiesel Fuel Adopted for Vehicles Participating in Dakar Rally 2009

    Toyota Tsusho Corporation (Headquarters: Nagoya City; President: Junzo Shimizu), Toyota Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Handa City; President: Fumio Inoue), Ohta Oil Mill Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Okazaki City; President: Shinzo Ota), and FEM (Headquarters: Yokohama City; President: Mikito Wakamatsu) have jointly developed a highly efficient and superior quality biodiesel fuel (BDF) manufacturing process as an environmentally responsive recycling-type business operation (press release issued on January 21, 2008). The BDF manufactured by this process was adopted for vehicles competing in the Dakar Rally 2008.

      The popularization of BDF started primarily in Europe, as an environmentally responsive and alternative fuel for diesel. We are anticipating an increase in demand for BDF on a global scale, due to the recent rise in awareness about environmental issues and global warming strategies, as well as from the perspective of energy security.

      BDF is based on the carbon neutral concept, which indicates that the carbon dioxide plants absorb during their growth process offsets the amount of carbon dioxide emissions during combustion, resulting in a total carbon dioxide emission of zero. Furthermore, the newly developed process has the following features:

    (1) Because the manufacturing method uses no water, the equipment can be installed anywhere, including locations without modern infrastructure.
    (2) No waste materials are produced or they are reused, including discharged water.
    (3) The equipment is energy conserving, with a simple configuration.

      The system itself is also designed to be environmentally friendly.
      We intend to proceed in the future with considerations for business models involving consumption and production within the same region, for both domestic and overseas applications.

    press release (original)(43KB)

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