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    Embla Medical hf

    Embla Medical hf
    Grjothals 5
    110 Reykjavik
    Puh: ‎+ 354 515 1300
    Faksi: ‎+ 354 515 1366
    Sähköposti: mail@ossur.com

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    Osakkeet ja osingot  

    Tämä sivu on saatavilla seuraavilla kielillä:
    Quick facts

    Share listings:
    NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
    Number of shares at year-end:
    High price 2015:
    DKK 24.70
    Low price 2015:
    DKK 17.80
    Last price at year-end:
    DKK 23.70
    Market capitalization at year-end:  
    DK 10,577 Million / USD 1,546 Million

    Share capital

    The share capital of the company at end of year 2015 was 446,293,253 and was divided into the same amount of shares. There is only one class of shares and all shares carry one vote.

    Changes in share capital

    Number of
    Total shares after
    Share capital
    2015 Capital decrease 7,456,755 446,293,253 446,293,253
    2009 Capital increase
    453,750,000 453,750,000
    2009 Capital increase
    452,500,000 452,500,000

    Share listings

    Össur has been a listed company since 1999 and on NASDAQ OMX in Copenhagen in since 2009.
    Ticker symbol: OSSR

    Dividend policy

    Össur’s Capital Structure and Dividend policy was updated in February 2016 by the Board of Directors:

    Össur’s policy is to maintain a healthy balance sheet and a level of net interest bearing debt of 0.5x-1.5x to EBITDA.

    Excess capital is returned to shareholders via annual cash dividends and/or purchase of own shares. Össur’s policy is to distribute a relatively stable cash dividend. The cash dividends will be decided annually in DKK per share.

    Return of capital to shareholders is based on objectives of maintaining a solid financial position, operational outlook and investment requirements.

      2012 » (ENGLISH)

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