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    BankNordik P/F

    BankNordik P/F
    Oknarvegur 5
    FO-110 Tórshavn
    Puh: ‎+298 330 330
    Faksi: ‎+298 330 001
    Sähköposti: info@banknordik.fo

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    Føroya Banki P/F - Company Announcement - Change in management structure in Føroya Banki

    The Board and senior management in Føroya Banki have decided to make some structural adjustments for the purpose of strengthening the structure for the future  Janus Petersen, CEO has overall responsibilities for administration, Markets & Treasury and subsidiaries, while Súni Schwartz Jacobsen, managing director has overall responsibility for the corporate and retail areas.

    Adjusted managerial team
    In connection with the appointment of Jean Djurhuus as CEO of the Bank's subsidiary P/F Trygd, a new head of the Credit department has been appointed. Torbjørn Andreasen is appointed as new head of Credit department.

    Apart from the senior management, the managerial team of Føroya Banki will now be comprised of the following:

    Ingi Olsen, Head of Corporate Division
    John Rajani, Head of Corporate Finance
    Niels A. Joensen, Head of Retail Division
    Johnny í Grótinum, Head of Markets
    Bjarki Mohr, Head of Human Resource
    Torbjørn Andreasen, Head of Credit department
    Ingi Vestergaard, Head of Business Development
    Poula Michelsen Kass, Head of Marketing
    Cecil Weihe, Head of Accounts department

    Further Information
    Janus Petersen, CEO of Føroya Banki, (+298) 330 330
    Súni Schwartz Jacobsen, Managing Director of Føroya Banki, (+298) 330 330

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