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    STRABAG shareholder Rasperia (Deripaska) wants to extend option

    • Option extension until October 2010
    • Option premium due in December 2009
    Vienna, 23 November 2009 STRABAG shall continue to profit from the close cooperation with Basic Element, a company owned by Russian industrialist Oleg Deripaska.

    In order to allow Rasperia, the investment vehicle of Basic Element, to reacquire the 28.5 million STRABAG shares, the original shareholders granted Rasperia a call option expiring on 18 December 2009, with a possible extension to 15 October 2010 in exchange for an option premium of € 45,867,000. The exercise price amounts to € 18 per share if the option is exercised in December 2009 and € 19.25 per share to 15 October 2010.

    Rasperia informed the core shareholders that it was making use of the option extension (such notification is foreseen in the contract). The option extension becomes legally effective if the option premium is paid on or before 18 December 2009.

    STRABAG SE is one of Europe’s leading construction groups and the market leader in the German building construction and road construction segments. With some 76,000 employees, STRABAG generated a construction output volume of € 13.7 billion in the 2008 financial year. From its core markets of Austria and Germany, STRABAG is present via its numerous subsidiaries in all countries of Eastern and South-East Europe, in selected markets in Western Europe and on the Arabian Peninsula. STRABAG’s activities span the entire construction industry (Building Construction and Civil Engineering, Transportation Infrastructures, Tunnelling) and cover the entire value-added chain in the field of construction. More information is available at www.strabag.com.


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