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    Hungarian cartel authority gives green light for CEMEX acquisition by STRABAG

    • Decision by Austrian competition authorities still outstanding
    • Acquisition strengthens STRABAG’s position in concrete, stone and gravel production in Austria and Hungary
    • CEMEX Austria and Hungaria: 1,012 employees and annual revenues of € 257 million in 2007

    Vienna, 13 February 2009 At the end of July 2008, STRABAG SE had signed the purchase agreement covering the acquisition of the Austrian and Hungarian activities of CEMEX. On 13 February 2009, STRABAG was informed by the Hungarian cartel authorities of their approval of the transaction.

    STRABAG SE CEO Dr. Hans Peter Haselsteiner is pleased with this development: “We actually had serious doubts concerning approval in Hungary. I expect the review in Austria to be less problematic, so that nothing more stands in the way of the acquisition. With this acquisition, we now are by far the market leader in stone and gravel as well as in concrete production in both these countries. This strong position surely represents a significant competitive advantage.”

    In Hungary, CEMEX Hungaria is one of the four largest market participant in concrete production, STRABAG being the market leader. 40 concrete mixing plants provide nationwide coverage. CEMEX Hungaria operates eight stone/gravel pits and has about 60 million tonnes of raw materials reserves. CEMEX Hungaria had revenues of € 61 million in 2007.

    In Austria, CEMEX Austria operates 45 concrete mixing plants, guaranteeing nationwide logistical coverage. CEMEX Austria operates 30 stone and gravel pits. The existing raw materials reserves amount to roughly 156 million tonnes. CEMEX Austria had revenues of € 196 million in 2007.

    Future growth is to be generated in both countries through the promotion of mobile operations and specialty products.

    The takeover is pending approval by the Austrian cartel authorities.

    STRABAG SE is one of Europe’s leading construction groups. With more than 73,000 employees, STRABAG posted an output volume of € 13.7 billion for the 2008 financial year. From its core markets of Austria and Germany, STRABAG is present via its numerous subsidiaries in all countries of Eastern and South-East Europe, in selected markets in Western Europe and on the Arabian Peninsula. STRABAG’s activities span the entire construction industry (Building Construction and Civil Engineering, Transportation Infrastructures, Tunnelling) and cover the entire value-added chain in the field of construction. More information is available at www.strabag.com.


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