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    Uponor Corporation

    Uponor Corporation
    Äyritie 20 (P.O. Box 37)
    FI-01510 Vantaa
    Tel: ‎+358 20 129 211
    Fax: ‎+358 20 129 2841
    E-mail: communications@uponor.com

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    Year in Brief  

    year 2012

    Key IR announcements in the year 2012

    24 Jan 2012
    Uponor increases focus on core business and divests its German non-core OEM unit

    7 Feb 2012
    Uponor impairs a vendor note related to the divestment of its UK and Irish municipal infrastructure business in 2008

    10 Feb 2012
    Uponor financial statements bulletin Jan-Dec 2011: Uponor’s net sales grew, profit impacted by non-recurring items

    15 Feb 2012
    Uponor appoints Bill Gray new President for North America

    2 Mar 2012
    Uponor establishes a new share-based incentive plan with the objective of retaining key management, and motivating and rewarding the management for good performance

    13 Mar 2012
    Uponor acquires the remaining shares in the German company Zent-Frenger and now holds 100% of the stock

    15 Mar 2012
    Resolutions by the Annual General Meeting: Dividend at €0.35 per share; The Board members were re-elected, with the exception of Mr Aimo Rajahalme, who was not available for re-election and was replaced by Mr Jari Rosendal as a new member; The AGM approved all proposals, including the authorisations to repurchase own shares and to decide on a share issue, and the establishment of a Nomination Board

    15 Mar 2012
    Uponor Board decides on a directed share issue related to the management incentive programme for 2007–2011

    27 Apr 2012
    Q1/2012 interim report: Uponor grasped opportunities in the low season
    10 Aug 2012
    Q2/2012 interim report: Uponor grows in North America, faces weakening markets in Europe

    21 Sep 2012
    Uponor and KWH Group announce a plan to merge their infrastructure businesses; the aim is to create efficiencies and strengthen profitability. The transaction is subject to approval of competition authorities, expected in Q1/2013

    26 Oct 2012
    Q3/2012 interim report: Growth in North America supported Uponor’s profit development

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