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    Uponor Corporation

    Uponor Corporation
    Äyritie 20 (P.O. Box 37)
    FI-01510 Vantaa
    Tel: ‎+358 20 129 211
    Fax: ‎+358 20 129 2841
    E-mail: communications@uponor.com

    Uponor is a leading provider of plumbing and indoor climate solutions for the international building markets. We are present in key European and North American markets and sell and export our offering in a hundred countries. Uponor is also a prominent supplier of infrastructure pipe systems and technology in Northern Europe and North America.

    Our safe and advanced solutions provide invisible comfort in homes, offices, public facilities and neighbourhoods. In addition to being technologically advanced, Uponor’s solutions are sustainable and energy efficient.

    Our businesses

    Uponor operates its business through three segments: Building Solutions – Europe, Building Solutions – North America and Uponor Infra. Each of these business segments is in a different stage of development, serving markets and customers in varying situations and with versatile needs. Uponor’s strategy and way forward are tailored to meet those specific needs.

    A common platform

    Uponor’s three business segments all stand firmly on our common platform: the Uponor brand, our vision and mission, and our values that together form the foundation for the profitable growth of the business. These business segments benefit from common denominators within Uponor, such as Key Account Management and our technology platforms and distribution channels.

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    Uponor (BATS)‎  
    Last 28,66      Change % 0,00 
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    Time Last Volume
    Displayed time is based on the time zone of your choice on Euroland.com
    Time 2024-04-30
    Last 28,66
    Change % 0,00 
    Change 0,00 
    Bid/Ask 27,96 / 28,32
    Open 28,66
    High/Low 28,66 / 28,66
    Volume 0
    Previous Close 28,66
    52 Weeks High 28,90
    52 Weeks Low 28,52
    52 Weeks %   -0,63 
    YTD %   0,00 
    Volatility N/A
    Beta N/A
    Correlation N/A
    Symbol UPONOh
    Market  BATS
    List  -
    Domestic Industry  None
    Euroland-Industry  Plumbing & HVAC equipment
    Shares (mil)1 73,21
    Market Cap (mil) 2 098,11
    1 - Number of shares in specific class of share. Otherwise it is total number of shares issued.


    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Data provided by vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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