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    Kesko Oyj

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    Press releases  

    2013-05-31 10:40:45

    Kesko's Fair Play scholarship to over 2,800 youths for promoting school work

    KESKO CORPORATION PRESS RELEASE 31.05.2013 AT 11.30 1(1)

    This spring, for the first time, Kesko's Fair Play scholarships are distributed to pupils at the school year closing ceremonies of upper comprehensive schools. The scholarships are rewards to pupils who have promoted peace and tolerance at school, motivation in school work and a positive atmosphere in their schools with their exemplary behaviour. Schools themselves have selected the scholarship recipients from among their grade nine pupils.

    Over 2,800 youths will receive a Kesko Fair Play scholarship at the school year closing ceremony. The total scholarship amount is nearly 150,000 euros. By the deadline, 720 of the around 950 upper comprehensive schools in Finland had applied for the scholarships.
    - There are lots of pupils who have contributed to a smooth running of school work. Nearly 80% of all upper comprehensive schools in Finland wanted to use our scholarships to thank youths who have promoted peace at school and a positive atmosphere with their own behaviour, says Senior Vice President Matti Mettälä, responsible for Kesko's Human Resources and Stakeholder Relations.

    - Our objective is to support young people's success and prevent their social exclusion. The Kesko Fair Play scholarships are part of Kesko's long-term responsibility work. We also take part in the Youth Guarantee initiative launched this year, says Matti Mettälä.
    The Kesko Fair Play scholarship is a €50 voucher accepted at, for example, Intersport, Budget Sport, Kookenkä, Anttila, Asko, Sotka, K-rauta, Rautia, K-citymarket and the other K-Group stores.

    Further information:
    Matti Mettälä, Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Stakeholder Relations, Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 105 322 200

    Kesko (www.kesko.fi) is one of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. We are a retail specialist whose chains have about 2,000 stores in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia, and Belarus. Our stores offer quality to the daily lives of consumers.

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    Source: Kesko Oyj via Thomson Reuters ONE


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