

  • Virksomhedspræsentation
  • Pressemeddelelser
  • Finansiel kalender

    Kesko Oyj

    Kesko Oyj
    P.O.B. 1, FI-00016
    Tlf: ‎+358 10 5311
    Fax: ‎+358 9 174 398
    E-mail: firstname.lastname@kesko.fi

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    Kesko is a Finnish trading sector pioneer. We operate in the grocery trade, the building and technical trade and the car trade. Our divisions and chains act in close cooperation with retailer entrepreneurs and other partners.

    Our chain operations comprise some 1,800 stores in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Combining online sales and digital services with our extensive store site network, we enable a seamless customer experience in all channels.

    Together, Kesko and K-retailers form K Group, whose retail sales totalled approximately €14 billion in 2020. K Group is the biggest trading sector operator in Finland and one of the biggest Northern Europe. Kesko and K-retailers employ together some 39,000 people*.

    Kesko’s strategic business areas are grocery trade, building and technical trade, and car trade. They are areas where Kesko has strong expertise and market positions and they offer good potential for profitable growth in the long term.

    Corporate responsibility is a strategic choice for K Group and it is integrated into our day-to-day activities. Key focus areas in our corporate responsibility and sustainability work are transparency in sourcing, mitigating climate change and environmental care, personnel responsibility, and extensive value creation throughout the society.

    Kesko's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. Its domicile and main premises are in Helsinki.

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    Vælg klasse af aktie
    Kesko B (HEL)‎  
    Sidste 16,24      Ændre % -1,31 
    Tilføj til portefølje
    Tilføj til observationsliste
    Tilføj til alarmer

    Tid Sidste Mængde
    12:53:03 16,24 8
    12:53:00 16,23 15
    12:53:00 16,23 269
    12:53:00 16,23 100
    12:53:00 16,23 62
    12:53:00 16,23 900
    12:51:32 16,24 22
    12:49:15 16,24 6
    12:49:15 16,24 68
    12:49:15 16,24 43
    Den viste tid er baseret på den valgte tidszone på Euroland.com
    Tid 12:53:03
    Sidste 16,24
    Ændre % -1,31 
    Ændre -0,22 
    Bud/Udbud 16,23 / 16,24
    Åben 16,39
    Høj/Lav 16,41 / 16,23
    Mængde 115 579
    Tidligere lukket 16,45
    52 ugers høj 19,13
    52 ugers lav 15,02
    52 uger %   -3,83 
    ÅTD %   -8,23 
    Volatilitet 19,00
    Beta 0,76
    Korrelation 0,50
    Symbol KESKOB
    Marked  Helsinki
    Liste  Large Cap
    Tilhørende industri  Retail
    Euroland-industri  Diverse detail
    Aktier (mio.)1 273,13
    Markedsværdi (mio.) 4 493,00
    1 - Antallet af aktier i en specifik gruppe af aktier. Ellers det totale antal af aktier der er tegnet.

     OMX Helsinki 25
     OMXH Cap
     OMX Helsinki_GI
     OMX Helsinki Cap_GI
     OMX Helsinki 25 Expiration
     OMX Helsinki Benchmark PI
     OMX Nordic
     OMX Nordic Large Cap EUR PI
     OMXH Helsinki_PI
     OMX Helsinki 15 Index
     OMX Helsinki 15 Net Index
     OMX Helsinki 15 Gross Index
     NASDAQ OMX Nordic 120
     N Consumer Services EUR PI
     N Retail EUR PI
     OMX Helsinki Large Cap
     OMX Sustainability Finland PI
     OMX Sustainability Finland GI

    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Data fra vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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