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    Huhtamäki Oyj

    Huhtamäki Oyj
    Investor Relations
    Revontulenkuja 1
    02100 Espoo
    Tel: ‎+358 (0)10 686 7000
    Fax: ‎+358 (0)10 686 7992
    E-mail: ir@huhtamaki.com

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    Board of Directors
    Mr. Pekka Ala-Pietilä
    Date of election: April 24, 2012

    Education:M.Sc. (Econ); D.Sc. (Econ) h.c. and D.Sc. (Tech) h.c.
    Mr. Jukka Suominen
    Date of election: March 30, 2005

    Education: M.Sc. (Eng), B.Sc. (Econ)

    Mr. Doug Baillie
    Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
    Date of election: April 21, 2016

    Education: BComm, Business Finance, Marketing & Business Administration

    Mr. William R. Barker
    Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
    Date of election: March 24, 2010

    Education: MBA and B.Sc. (Chem. Eng.)
    Ms. Anja Korhonen
    Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
    Date of election: April 25, 2018

    Education: M.Sc. (Econ.)

    Ms. Kerttu Tuomas
    Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
    Date of election: April 27, 2017

    Education: B.Sc. (Econ)

    Ms. Sandra Turner
    Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
    Date of election: April 20, 2011

    Education: BA (Marketing) Honours

    Mr. Ralf K. Wunderlich
    Independent of the Company and significant shareholders
    Date of election: July 1, 2018

    Education: B.Sc. (Business Administration)

    Group Executive Team

    Mr. Jukka Moisio
    Chairman of the GET, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    Education: M.Sc. (Econ), MBA

    Joined the company: 2008
    Mr. Thomas Geust
    Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

    Education: M.Sc. (Econ)

    Joined the company: 2013

    Ms. Leena Lie
    Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications

    Education: M.Sc. (Econ)

    Joined the company: 2018

    Mr. Sami Pauni
    Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Legal, Group General Counsel

    Education: LL.M., EMBA

    Joined the company: 2006

    Ms. Teija Sarajärvi
    Senior Vice President, Human Resources

    Education: M.A.

    Joined the company: 2015

    Mr. Clay Dunn
    Executive Vice President, North America

    Education: BBA (Marketing and Management)

    Joined the company: 2005

    Mr. Olli Koponen
    Executive Vice President, Flexible Packaging
    Education: M.Sc. (Eng., Automation & Information Technology), B.Sc. (Eng., Automation Technology)

    Joined the company: 1990

    Mr. Eric Le Lay
    Executive Vice President, Foodservice Europe-Asia-Oceania

    Education: MBA, M.Sc. (Eng.)
    Joined the company: 2008

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