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    Fortum Oyj

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    Press releases  

    2011-02-19 12:23:23

    Loviisa nuclear power plant's unit 1 is being shut down in order to repair a minor steam leakage in secondary circuit

    Fortum Corporation, Press Release, 2011-02-19 12:23 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A decision was made to bring the Loviisa nuclear power plant's unit 1 to a controlled shutdown due to a minor steam leakage in the unit's secondary circuit last night, 19 February 2011 at approximately 1.30 a.m. (ETT). The secondary circuit steam does not contain radioactivity and leakage causes no security risks. The controlled shutdown and cooling process will continue until late tonight after which the leakage will be repaired. The repair and inspection works are estimated to be completed in the early hours of Sunday, 20 February 2011. After that the startup of the unit can begin. Fortum estimates that the Loviisa unit 1 will be back in production late Sunday night at the earliest. The leakage is being repaired because it increases humidity levels in the surrounding space that houses electrical and automation equipment. The incident poses no threat to people or the environment. Loviisa nuclear power plant's unit 2 is operating on full capacity. Fortum Loviisa power plant Further information: Ulf Lindén, Site Manager, Loviisa Power plant, tel. +358 50 455 3800 Peter Tuominen, Public Affairs Manager, Power Division, tel. +358 50 452 4760

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