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    Fortum Oyj

    Fortum Oyj
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    Press releases  

    2012-01-04 07:00:00

    Fortum will appeal the Swedish tax authority decision on additional tax for 2009

    Espoo, Finland, 2012-01-04 07:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRESS RELEASE 4.1.2012 Fortum has received an income tax assessment of over SEK 400 million (EUR 40 million) from the Swedish tax authority STA in addition to the amount of SEK 1.9 billion (EUR 180 million) already paid for 2009. The claim is mainly related to Fortum's restructuring in 2004 - 2005. Fortum considers the claim unjustifiable and will appeal the STA decision. According to STA, Fortum would have to pay additional income taxes for the year 2009 for the reallocation of the loans in Swedish subsidiaries in 2005. The claim is based on the change in tax regulation as of 2009. Based on the new rules and requirements, STA reassessed Fortum's business reasons in 2005 for the reallocation of old loans. STA has not questioned the interest rates of the loans charged to the Swedish entities. Fortum carried out a considerable restructuring in Sweden and in Finland in 2004 - 2005 in connection with the listing and sales of Neste Oil shares in 2005. The result of the transactions had no impact on the income generated by Fortum's Swedish subsidiaries. In 2009, the total amount of Fortum's income and other taxes amounted to SEK 3.2 billion (EUR 299 million) in Sweden. "We want to serve our customers and create a sustainable long-term commitment and business also in Sweden, where Fortum is one of the biggest corporate tax payers. In our industrial investments and financing, we act on the long term basis and respecting laws and regulations" says Juha Laaksonen, CFO, Fortum Corporation. As an international company with capital intensive business Fortum needs to manage its funding for the total business and for the whole Group. Therefore, it is essential for Fortum to have a well-balanced capital structure to support the businesses and to meet the laws and rules in all of the countries in which it operates. In 2006 - 2009, Fortum paid income taxes totalling SEK 6.3 billion (EUR 649 million) in Sweden. In 2010, Fortum was one of the largest corporate tax payers in Sweden and the largest in Finland. In 2010, Fortum paid corporate taxes of EUR 183 million in Finland. Fortum Corporation Corporate Communications For additional information: Juha Laaksonen, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Fortum Corporation, tel. +358 10 452 4519 Fortum Fortum's purpose is to create energy that improves life for present and future generations. We provide sustainable solutions that fulfil the needs for low emissions, resource efficiency and energy security, and deliver excellent value to our shareholders. Our activities cover the generation, distribution and sales of electricity and heat as well as related expert services. Fortum's operations focus on the Nordic countries, Russia, Poland and Baltic Rim area. In the future, the integrating European and fast-growing Asian energy markets provide additional growth opportunities. In 2010, Fortum’s sales totalled EUR 6.3 billion and comparable operating profit was EUR 1.8 billion. We employ approximately 10,500 people. Fortum’s shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. www.fortum.com

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