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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Year in Brief  

    year 2010/2011

    Overview of Fiscal 2011

    The business environment for the Toyobo Group during the first half of fiscal 2011, ended March 31, 2011, was characterized by gradual recovery in industrial production and private capital investment driven by exports in Japan and elsewhere against a background of recovery in overseas economies, especially China. However, in the latter half of fiscal 2011, uncertainty regarding economic trends increased suddenly because of the appreciation of the yen, sharp increases in raw material prices and fuel costs, and the occurrence of the Great East Japan Earthquake in March.  Amid this operating environment, the Toyobo Group aims to become “The category leader for providing new value in the environment, life science, and high-function products fields.” In the environment field, Toyobo’s water treatment membranes were selected for a new world-scale desalination plant in the Gulf Cooperation Council of the Middle East, and the Company launched new products, including film for solar cell backsheets, a polyamide resin with a high-melting-point made from biomass, and other products. In the life science field, Toyobo took initiatives to expand sales of new products, including its automated gene analyzer and other equipment. In the field of high-function products for LCDs and other electronic components, automotive products, and other items, the Company worked to expand its business activities globally, including expanding sales of high-function polymers in the rest of Asia.

    As a result, consolidated net sales for the subject fiscal year  increased ¥21.8 billion (6.8%) from the previous fiscal year to ¥340.6 billion, with operating income up ¥9.4 billion (82.1%) to ¥20.9 billion, and net income of ¥4.2 billion.

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