

Corporate Information
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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Strategy & Goals  

    year 2012/2013

    Action Plan

    1) Capital investment (including Alliances and M&A)

    2) Overseas business development

    3) Improvement in the product portfolio

    4) Improving asset efficiency

    Our Vision

    Become ecome “the category leader that continues to create new value that contributes to society in the environment, life science, and hig high-function products fields. ”

    • Company that combines both growth potential and stability

    • 【Targets for FY 3/21】 Sales: ¥500 bn. Operating income: ¥50 bn. ROA: over 10%. D/E=1.0

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