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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    Correo electrónico: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Mensaje del presidente  

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    Año 2011/2012

    Top Management Message

    The business environment for the Toyobo Group in the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 (April 1, 2012, through June 30, 2012) was characterized by moderate recovery in the Japanese economy as reconstruction work continued following the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, the outlook for future trends continued to be uncertain because of concerns regarding electric power shortages and other issues. In overseas economies also, concerns about a deceleration in economic activity grew because of the prolongation of the debt crises in Europe and the slowing of growth in China and other Asian countries, which had acted as a driving force for growth.

    Amid this operating environment, the Toyobo Group aims to become "The category leader for providing new value in the environment, life science, and high-function products fields" and is proceeding with business activities targeted at expansion through emphasis on growing overseas markets, where business opportunities abound. In the environment field, Toyobo is working toward expansion in various businesses, and its reverse osmosis membrane for seawater desalination has been chosen for installation in one of the world’s largest seawater desalination plants that will be built in Saudi Arabia. In addition, Toyobo proceeded with the development of its position in the VOC emissions treatment equipment business in Asia and expanded the range of uses of its high-melting-point polyamide made from biomass. In the life science field, Toyobo focused on expanding sales of enzymes for self-monitoring of blood glucose sensors with improved analytic precision and other products. In the high-function product field, Toyobo concentrated on expansion of overseas business activities, and its manufacturing and sales joint venture in China for production of airbag fabrics which went into full operation. Also, Toyobo worked to develop and market films used in the manufacturing process for ceramic capacitors and other products, along with the rise in demand for smartphones.

    As previously mentioned, the Toyobo Group is addressing business issues as well as implementing measures and reforms that will lead to growth and expansion. However, in the current difficult environment, sales in the first quarter of the fiscal year decreased ¥4.2 billion (4.8%) in comparison with the same period of the previous fiscal year, to ¥83.1 billion, and operating income down ¥3.4 billion (60.4%), to ¥2.2 billion. Ordinary income down ¥3.7 billion (67.2%), to ¥1.8 billion, and net income for the first quarter amounted to ¥0.5 billion.

    For fiscal 2013, from the second quarter of the current fiscal year onward, we will proceed with improving the product portfolio in specialty businesses and are expecting improvement in performance. However, Toyobo has revised its forecast of performance for the six months ending September 30, 2012 and the full fiscal year ending March 31, 2013, due to a severer business environment than initially expected.

    As a result, we forecast net sales for the subject fiscal year decrease ¥10.0 billion from initially expected to ¥355.0 billion. Operating income declines ¥6.0, to ¥18.0 billion, ordinary income down ¥6.0 billion, to ¥15.0 billion, and net income for the period of ¥6.4 billion.

    I would like to offer my most sincere appreciation to our shareholders and investors, and ask for your continued support.

    August 2012

    Ryuzo Sakamoto
    President and Chief Operating Officer

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