

Corporate Information
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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Business Segments  

    year 2011/2012

    Business Segments

    Films & Functional Polymers

    Industrial films
    • PET films for (i) FPD use, (ii) photovoltaic backsheets, (iii) touch screens, (iv) ceramic capacitor process sheets and (v) other industrial uses
    • Synthetic paper
    Packaging films
    • PET, polyolefin, polyamide for food packaging, heat-shrink films for labels
    Functional polymers
    • Engineering plastics
    • For industrial adhesives, coatings: co-polyester, modified polyolefin
    • Acrylate polymers

    Industrial Materials

    Functional fibers
    • Airbag fabrics, polyester yarn for tire cords
    High-performance fibers
    • Ultra-high-strength polyethylene fiber
    • PBO fiber: extreme heat-resistance, high-tenacity fiber
    Functional filters, non-woven fabrics
    • Filters for (i) automotive components, (ii) office equipment and (iii) air purifiers
    • VOC emissions treatment equipment and systems with activated carbon filters
    • Non-woven fabrics for automotive parts and construction materials

    Life Science

    • Enzymes for diagnostics, diagnostic systems and reagents, research reagents, cosmetic ingredients
    • Contract manufacturing (injections, raw pharmaceuticals, antibody drugs)
    Medical membranes, equipment and devices
    • Hollow fiber membranes for artificial kidneys, anti-clotting materials
    Water treatment membranes
    • Seawater desalination reverse osmosis membranes
    • Ultra-filtration membranes for tap water


    • Functional textiles
    Apparel products
    • “Munsingwear”: sportswear
    Acrylic fibers
    • “EXLAN”: acrylic fibers

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