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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    Correo electrónico: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    2017-07-28 05:27:15

    Toyobo Europe to transfer Breathair® operations in Europe to Toyobo Joint Venture PHP Fibers

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    Toyobo Europe GmbH (TEG), a group company of Toyobo Co., Ltd., will transfer European operations related to Breathair® to PHP Fibers GmbH (PHP Fibers), a Toyobo joint venture with Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited in Germany. The transfer will become effective on September 1, 2017.

    1. Background


    In 2013, Toyobo introduced Breathair® to the European market through Germany-based TEG manufacturing for sale in the market. Breathair®, fibers are arranged in a complex three-dimensional structure to be used for cushion materials. Since then, Breathair® operations have grown as European makers found the material suitable mainly for bed mattresses. Its sales in Europe are projected to grow further in the future.
    PHP Fibers is keenly interested in Breathair® as a highly functional cushion material. PHP Fibers itself produces polyamide and polyester filament yarns and other materials for industrial use, including those for automobile-related purposes.

    2. How the deal was reached

    Toyobo and PHP Fibers have been discussing a business model in which the two companies work together to expand production and sales of Breathair® in Europe. They reached an agreement under which Toyobo transfers Breathair® operations in Europe to PHP Fibers.

    3. How operations will be transferred

    PHP Fibers will manufacture Breathair® by utilizing the production assets of TEG and continue to serve current customers as normal while cultivating new businesses in automobile-related markets by utilizing its extensive sales networks in Europe.
    Toyobo and TEG will give as much support as possible to expand PHP Fibers’ Breathair® operations by providing it with manufacturing and quality-control technologies as well as the right to use the trademark.

    About PHP Fibers

    Company name: PHP Fibers GmbH
    Head office: Industrie Center Obernburg , 63784 Obernburg, Germany
    Representative: Managing Director Jochen Boos
    Main operations Manufacture and sale of polyamide industrial filament yarn for airbags and tire cord, polyamide resins, industrial polyester filament yarn for mechanical rubber goods, and broad and narrow woven fabrics.

    * In 2014, Toyobo acquired PHP Fibers jointly with Indorama Ventures Public Co., Ltd. (Head office: Bangkok, Thailand, Chief Executive Officer: Aloke Lohia). With this acquisition, Toyobo and PHP Fibers now supply about 40 percent of nylon yarn for airbags in the global market.


    For more information, contact:
    Public Relations Group, Corporate Communication Department
    Toyobo Co., Ltd


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