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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    FY 3/14 (Year Ended March 31, 2014)

    2013.11.06 First Half results FY 3/14 (published on November 6, 2013)(488KB)

    FY 3/13 (Year Ended March 31, 2013)

    2013.05.10 Full year results FY 3/13 (published on May 10, 2013)(389KB)
    2012.11.06 First Half results FY 3/13 (published on November 6, 2012)(207KB)

    FY 3/12 (Year Ended March 31, 2012)

    2012.05.09 Full year results FY 3/12 (published on May 9, 2012)(327KB)
    2011.11.08 First Half results FY 3/12 (published on November 8, 2011)(200KB)

    FY 3/11 (Year Ended March 31, 2011)

    2011.05.10  Full year results FY 3/11 (published on May 10, 2011)(213KB)
    2010.11.04  First Half Results FY 3/11 (published on November 4, 2010)(307KB)

    FY 3/10 (Year Ended March 31, 2010)

    2010.05.11  Full year results FY 3/10 (published on May 11, 2010)(311KB)
    2009.11.05  First Half Results FY 3/10 (published on November 5, 2009)(264KB)

    FY 3/09 (Year Ended March 31, 2009)

    2009.05.08  Full year results FY 3/09 (published on May 8, 2009)(267KB)
    2008.11.06  First half results FY 3/09 (published on November 6, 2008)(250KB)

    FY 3/08 (Year Ended March 31, 2008)

    2008.05.09  Full year results FY 3/08 (published on May 9, 2008)(355KB)
    2007.11.07  First half results FY 3/08 (published on November 7, 2007)(235KB)

    FY 3/07 (Year Ended March 31, 2007)

    2007.05.09  Full year results FY 3/07 (published on May 9, 2007)(327KB)
    2006.11.08  First half results FY 3/07 (published on November 8, 2006)(287KB)

    FY 3/06 (Year Ended March 31, 2006)

    2006.05.10  Full year results FY 3/06 (published on May 10, 2006)(559KB)

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