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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Latest press releases  

    (2021-12-21 10:19:13) Toyobo develops LesireTM, the industry’s first Laser-Printable Film* Designed to shorten printing procedures and enhance recyclability of labels to contribute to realizing a circular economy

    (2021-12-13 09:08:14) Notice regarding head office relocation

    (2021-11-30 09:57:10) Corporate Governance Report (456KB)

    (2021-11-11 10:15:05) Notice regarding price increase of airbag yarns and fabrics

    (2021-11-08 09:08:33) Presentation to Investors for the First Half Ended September 30, 2021 (865KB)

    (2021-11-08 09:07:16) Consolidated Financial Report for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2021 (304KB)

    (2021-11-05 07:59:39) Toyobo, Nipro to build CTA dialyzer production plant to meet growing global demand

    (2021-10-15 09:25:48) Integrated “TOYOBO REPORT 2021” released

    (2021-09-08 12:13:39) 2021 Annual Financial Report released

    (2021-08-05 06:06:05) Presentation to Investors

    (2021-06-30 09:42:54) Corporate Governance Report

    (2021-06-28 09:31:57) Extraordinary Report is posted

    (2021-06-21 06:15:08) Toyobo selected as member of ESG-oriented FTSE Blossom Japan Index for first time

    (2021-06-09 08:55:28) Notice regarding the lifting of the temporary suspension of ISO 9001 certification granted to Toyobo’s Functional Materials Production and Technology Operating Department (developments concerning the matter disclosed)

    (2021-05-31 04:34:37) Notice of the 163rd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    (2021-05-19 11:08:17) Toyobo joins JMTC Chemical and Materials Investment Limited Partnership to accelerate open innovation with advanced materials start-ups

    (2021-05-14 09:50:09) Presentation to Investors

    (2021-05-14 09:49:42) (Delayed) Consolidated Financial Report for Year ended March 31, 2021

    (2021-05-06 13:17:45) Toyobo joins Glocal Deep Tech Fund to boost collaboration with domestic start-ups

    (2021-04-06 05:16:03) Toyobo recognized as Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

    (2021-03-26 04:57:45) Report on (additional) misconduct regarding our engineering plastic products (developments concerning the matter that has been disclosed)

    (2021-03-25 04:04:02) Toyobo to establish Risk Management Committee

    (2021-03-11 10:33:06) Toyobo set to establish a structure to achieve carbon neutrality

    (2021-02-26 07:51:12) Environmentally friendly water treatment system equipped with an FO membrane jointly developed with SWPC and AJMC; provisional patent application filed in the U.S.

    (2021-02-09 03:36:08) Consolidated Financial Report for the Third Quarter ended December 31, 2020

    (2021-02-09 03:35:26) Presentation to Investors

    (2021-02-03 03:47:45) Report regarding misconduct over our engineering plastic products

    (2021-02-01 04:20:36) Toyobo develops new functional OPP barrier film: Product designed to promote mono-material packaging, plastic recycling

    (2021-01-29 03:55:13) New sealant using TFS’s Teonex film adopted in Toyota’s new fuel cell vehicle Mirai

    (2021-01-28 03:53:47) Notice regarding cancellation and temporary suspension of ISO 9001 certification granted to Toyobo’s Engineering Plastics Operating Department, Functional Materials Production and Technology Department

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