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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Latest press releases  

    (2016-12-29 03:06:24) Toyobo to invest ¥10 billion in airbag business – Built new fabric-production company in Thailand

    (2016-11-11 03:27:01) Presentation to Investors PDF(131KB)

    (2016-11-10 09:49:34) Consolidated Financial Report for the First Half ended September 30, 2016 PDF(138KB)

    (2016-11-04 03:42:38) Toyobo terminates textile operations in Brazil

    (2016-10-31 04:07:29) 2016 Annual Report (Year ended March 31, 2016)

    (2016-09-16 04:55:29) Toyobo agrees tie-up with Dutch bioventure company to produce 100% biobased resin that outstrips PET barrier performance

    (2016-09-15 04:13:45) Regarding on-the-spot inspections by the Japan Fair Trade Commission

    (2016-08-05 11:25:52) Consolidated Financial Report for the First Quarter ended June 30, 2016 PDF(262KB)

    (2016-06-28 04:11:20) Toyobo’s Nerbridge™, a Conduit for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Receives FDA Approval for U.S. marketing

    (2016-05-17) Presentation to Investors PDF(175KB)

    (2016-05-12 12:49:02) Consolidated Financial Report for Year ended March 31, 2016 PDF(153KB)

    (2016-02-08 10:44:39) Consolidated Financial Report for the Third Quarter ended December 31, 2015 PDF(140KB)

    (2016-01-27 05:33:47) Toyobo High-performance Fibers: Investing Actively and Developing Global Markets

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