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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Latest press releases  

    (2013-11-06) Presentation to Investors PDF(489KB)

    (2013-11-05) Consolidated Financial Report for the First Half ended September 30, 2013 PDF(94KB)

    (2013-10-30) Production of BREATHAIR®, a Replacement for Urethane Foam in Cushions, Begins in Europe
    (This news was published in Japanese on Sep. 9, 2013.)

    (2013-09-05) Japan Exlan Co., Ltd. exhibits high-function acrylic fiber at the “EXPOFIL” Fiber and Yarn Exhibition in Paris

    (2013-09-02) Japan Exlan Co., Ltd., and TOYOBO SPECIALTIES TRADING CO., LTD. exhibit at the International Textile Fair “Preview in SEOUL 2013″
    (This news was published in Japanese on Aug. 28, 2013.)

    (2013-08-30) 2013 Annual Report (Year ended March 31, 2013)

    (2013-08-08) Further Development of the Engineering Plastics Business for Automotive Parts in Brazil

    (2013-08-05) Consolidated Financial Report for the First Quarter ended June 30, 2013 PDF(48KB)

    (2013-08-01) Toyobo Acquires Spain’s Spinreact S.A., a Global Manufacturer and Marketer of Diagnostic Reagents and Instruments ––Marking the Acceleration of Toyobo’s Overseas Expansion Strategy in Biotechnology––

    (2013-07-18) Toyobo Specialties Trading Establishes Sports Fabric and Product Sales Company in Indonesia

    (2013-05-21) Toyobo to Withdraw from the Polyester Tirecord Business

    (2013-05-10) Presentation to Investors PDF(390KB)

    (2013-05-08) Consolidated Financial Report for Year ended March 31, 2013 PDF(78KB)

    (2013-03-25) Toyobo’s Nerbridge™, a Conduit for peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Has Received Permission for Manufacturing and Marketing from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

    (2013-03-12) Toyobo to Make Investment in SKC (Jiangsu) in China – Objective Is to Further Develop Toyobo’s Position in the Market for Thermal Shrinkage Label Film

    (2013-02-14) Polyester Film Developed that Uses the Features of LED Light Sources to Eliminate Interference Fringes (Rainbow Mura)

    (2013-02-08) Consolidated Financial Report for the Third Quarter ended December 31, 2012 PDF(46KB)

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