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    Toyobo Co., Ltd.

    Toyobo Co., Ltd.
    2-8, Dojima Hama 2-chome,
    Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8230,
    Tel: ‎+81-6-6348-3044
    E-mail: ir_g@toyobo.jp

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    Latest press releases  

    (2012-11-30) Toyobo Expanding Sales in Europe for Its Cushion Material BREATHAIR® as a Replacement for Urethane Foam

    (2012-11-08) Toyobo’s Certification as an Authorized Economic Operator Will Ease and Simplify Its Customs Procedures

    (2012-11-08) Toyobo Announces the Development of “BREATHLEATHER®”
    An Artificial Leather for Automotive Seats Based on Toyobo's Tactile Sense Measuring Technology

    (2012-11-06) Presentation to Investors PDF(207KB)

    (2012-11-05) Consolidated Financial Report for the First Half ended September 30, 2012 PDF(101KB)

    (2012-09-14) Toyobo Develops the World’s First Cosmetic Ingredient Extracted from Soybean Germ that Contain Polyamine
    Promising Applications as an Aging Care Material in Cosmetics

    (2012-09-10) New Medical Treatment Device for Regeneration of Damaged Nerves – Development and Commercialization of Conduits for Nerve Regeneration

    (2012-08-30) 2012 Annual Report (Year ended March 31, 2012)

    (2012-08-06) Consolidated Financial Report for the First Quarter ended June 30, 2012 (163KB)

    (2012-07-12) Toyobo Increases PET Bottle Plastic Recycling Ratio to 80%, the Highest in the World, and Develops PET Films with a Thickness of Only 12µm

    (2012-06-26) Development of Polyvinyl Chloride Blood Circuit Tubes for Medical Use with Advanced Safety Features

    (2012-05-08) Consolidated Financial Report for Year ended March 31, 2012

    (2012-04-25) Hybridge Lite Jacket Made with Toyobo’s High-Strength, Ultra-Light Silfine®-N Nylon Fabric Wins the “2012 Outside GEAR OF THE YEAR Award

    (2012-04-11) Toyobo to establish a sales company for airbag fabrics

    (2012-03-26) Our New Corporate Slogan – Ideas & Chemistry

    (2012-03-14) Toyobo Reaches Settlement with First Choice Armor & Equipment, Inc. in U.S. Zylon® Fiber Bulletproof Vests Damages Lawsuit

    (2012-03-13) Toyobo to Establish a Manufacturing and Sales Company for Polyester Resin in Thailand

    (2012-02-09) Strengthening Marketing Capabilities in Europe and China

    (2012-02-06) Consolidated Financial Report for the Third Quarter ended December 31, 2011

    (2012-01-13) Toyobo’s High-Strength, Ultra-Light SILFINEYELL® Nylon Fabric Adopted for Use in Mountain Hardware Brand Down Jackets

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