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    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.

    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
    1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
    100-0004 Tokyo
    Tel: ‎81-3-5205-7200
    Fax: ‎81-3-5205-7129

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    Year in Brief  

    year 2014

    2014 Main Highlights

    Launched renal anemia treatment NESP® Injection 5μg Plastic Syringe in Japan
    Added new information covering pollinosis mechanisms and sublingual immunotherapy to the pollen information website, Pollinosis Navi

    Received approval for additional dosage and administration indication for calcium receptor agonist REGPARA® Tablets 25mg and 75mg in Japan

    Began construction of new research building IK8 at Fuji Research Park

    Received approval for additional indication for anti-CCR4 humanized antibody POTELIGEO® for relapsed or refractory CCR4-positive peripheral T-cell lymphoma in Japan and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in Japan

    Started second season of web cartoon “New Antibody Story,” which explains the mechanisms of antibodies and immunity

    Kyowa Hakko Bio received 2014 JSBBA* Award for Achievement in Technological Research for developing and commercializing dipeptide fermentation technology

    *JSBBA: Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry

    Consolidated and reorganized the research and development divisions

    Completed construction of the HA4 Plant, a biopharmaceutical API manufacturing facility, at the Takasaki Plant

    Held the Kyowa Hakko Kirin Cup and fourth WASURENAI 3.11 Kizuna Four-Prefecture (Iwate, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Fukushima) Table Tennis Tournament. Set Guinness World Record® for most participants in a table tennis rally.
    Launched a new formulation of Topina® (Topina® Fine Granules 10%), an antiepileptic agent in Japan
    Received approval for additional indication of chronic pain for Fentos® , a transdermal longacting pain relief patch in Japan

    Sakai Plant was awarded a Prime Minister’s Commendation on Contributors to Public Safety

    Concluded development alliance with AstraZeneca of the United Kingdom for cancer immunotherapy from the initial development phase

    Signed domestic sales outsourcing agreement with Japan Blood Products Organization for recombinant human antithrombin preparation KW-3357

    Kyowa Medex launched “A1c iGear K,” glycated hemoglobin analysis equipment for diabetes testing in Japan

    Submitted application for approval in Japan for recombinant human antithrombin preparation KW-3357

    ProStrakan Group plc of the United Kingdom acquired Archimedes Pharma Limited of the United Kingdom

    Launched Dovobet® , a treatment for psoriasis vulgaris in Japan

    Concluded development alliance with Pfizer Inc. of the United States for cancer immunotherapy from the initial development phase

    Initiated phase I trial for KHK6640 for Alzheimer’s disease in Europe

    Completed construction of the HA5 Plant, a drug product manufacturing facility, at the Takasaki Plant

    Kyowa Hakko Bio launched renewal of the supplement “Fermented Coenzyme Q10 EX” in Japan

    Added ITP Consultation Room, where medical specialists answer questions, to the ITP website

    Launched sustained-duration G-CSF product G-Lasta® in Japan

    Concluded development alliance with ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. of Japan and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company of the United States for cancer immunotherapy from the initial development phase

    Received approval for additional indication of NESP® for anemia with myelodysplastic syndrome in Japan

    Received approval for additional indication of the anti-CCR4 humanized antibody POTELIGEO® for chemotherapy-native CCR4-positive ATL in Japan

    Concluded exclusive license agreement with Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of the United States to develop and commercialize Entinostat in Japan and Korea

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