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    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.

    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
    1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
    100-0004 Tokyo
    Tel: ‎81-3-5205-7200
    Fax: ‎81-3-5205-7129

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    Strategy & Goals  

    year 2009


    Achieving Rapid Progress in our Development Pipeline through the Efficient Use of Management Resources
    • Implementing the principles of selection and concentration in our business portfolio
    • Improving profitability by reorganizing production bases
    • Further developing our world-class therapeutic antibody business

    Fundamental Strategies

    • Leverage our leading-edge biotechnologies, primarily antibody technologies, to promote discovery research in key areas—oncology, nephrology, and immunology—and enhance our development pipeline
    – Commence development of four products each year
    – Integrate R&D facilities to enhance efficiencies, complete new facility in Tokyo Research Park in April 2010
    – Leverage external networks, such as the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology (LIAI), in the United States
    • Accelerate new drug development through the effective utilization of overseas development bases and strive to quickly acquire Proof of Concept (POC) for several products in development
    – Expand the regions in which clinical trials are implemented, such as to emerging nations
    – Join and contribute to global clinical trial systems in Asia
    – Build a global structure for in-house development
    • Obtain manufacturing approval for two or more products each year (including additional indications)

    • Increase production efficiency by reorganizing production facilities and promoting outsourcing
    – Optimize the use of facilities throughout the Group
    • Begin operation of new manufacturing facilities with large-scale animal cell culture tanks for investigational therapeutic antibodies
    – March 2010—Complete construction inside the Bio Process Research and Development Laboratories (Takasaki)

    Domestic Sales
    • Continue to expand the market share for existing core products
    – Expand market share for erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA) in hemodialysis and non-dialysis
    – Continue to grow Regpara® sales
    – Maximize Allelock® value
    • Rapidly penetrate markets with new products
    – Promptly earn market acceptance for Asacol® and HFT-290
    – Achieve smooth transfer of Permax® sales
    • Reorganize marketing structure to improve sales efficiency
    – Optimize structure to improve medical representative (MR) productivity

    Overseas Operations
    • Expand sales in Asia by strengthening in-house sales capabilities, improve reliability assurance system
    – Integrate locations and sales channels and expand product lineups
    – Improve reliability assurance system
    • Improve organizations in the United States and Europe with a view to commencing new drug sales
    – Improve organization in line with progress in product development (including the consideration of alliances)

    Fundamental Strategies
    • Expand sales of core products, such as high-value-added amino acids
    • Strengthen alliances in health care areas within the Kirin Group
    • Expand production infrastructure to ensure a steady supply of pharmaceutical raw materials and fine chemical products

    Factors Supporting Higher Profits
    • Cost reductions (from technology development, etc.): About ¥2.0 billion
    • Profit increase from higher amino acid sales volumes (8% annual growth): About ¥2.5 billion

    Fundamental Strategies
    • Strengthen business fundamentals to stabilize profits and expand sales of core products
    • Expand sales of environment-friendly chemical products, advance global development
    • Maintain a safe and stable operating structure Factors Supporting Higher Profits
    • Increased sales volumes from rise in demand for chemical products accompanying global economic recovery
    • Higher sales of environment-friendly functional products—one of our strengths
    • Revision of product prices accompanying increased raw material and fuel prices
    • Effective January 1, 2010, changes in consolidated subsidiaries’ segments resulting in transfer of annual sales (over ¥40 billion) from the Other Segment to the Chemicals Segment
    – Kashiwagi Corporation
    – Miyako Kagaku Co., Ltd.

    * Fiscal 2009/12 was a nine-month period due to a change in the Company’s fiscal year-end. The figures in the 2009/12 columns in this section are for the 12-month period from January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2009, and consist of the sum of the consolidated results in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2009/03 (the three month period from January 1, 2009, to March 31, 2009) and the consolidated results in fiscal 2009/12 (the nine-month period from April 1, 2009, to December 31, 2009).

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