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    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.

    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
    1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
    100-0004 Tokyo
    Tel: ‎81-3-5205-7200
    Fax: ‎81-3-5205-7129

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    Business Segments  

    year 2008/2009

    The Pharmaceuticals segment conducts R&D, production, and sales of ethical drugs—principally in the fields of cancer, allergies, renal anemia, and hypertension —and of diagnostic reagents. In ethical pharmaceuticals, the segment is working to expand its business in overseas markets. To this end, we are conducting clinical development of new drugs in Europe, North America, and China and are moving ahead with therapeutic antibody operations based on our original strong-acting antibody technologies.

    Ethical Drugs
    Nesp®, Espo® (ESA formulation), Coniel® (hypertension and angina pectoris), Allelock® (antiallergic agent), Depakene® (antiepileptic agent), 5-FU (anticancer agent), Gran®, Neu-up® (G-CSF agent), Regpara® (secondary hyperparathyroidism)
    Diagnostic Reagents
    Determiner® series (clinical chemistry diagnostic reagents)

    In domestic and overseas markets, the Bio-Chemicals segment conducts production and sales of fermented bulk products, such as amino acids, nucleic acids, and related compounds, which are used as raw materials for pharmaceuticals, health foods and dietary supplements, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical intermediates. In addition, the segment conducts mail-order sales of health care products in Japan, produces and markets alcohol for the alcoholic beverages and food industries, and supplies agrochemicals as well as livestock and fisheries products.

    Fine Chemicals
    Amino acids, nucleic acids, related compounds
    Health Care Products
    Amino acids, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, peptides, Remake® series, Enguard® series
    Agrochemicals and Livestock and Fisheries Products
    Plant growth regulators, animal health products
    For use in alcoholic beverages, in food preservatives, in disinfectants
    The Chemicals segment produces and markets basic chemicals and specialty chemicals. Basic chemicals include solvents used in paints and inks as well as raw materials for plasticizers used as additives in PVC products. Recently, the segment places particular emphasis on specialty chemicals including environment-friendly products and products for advanced technologies.

    Butyl alcohol, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, acetone, glycol ethers, MIBK, PM, PMA
    Raw Materials for Plasticizers
    2-ethylhexyl alcohol, isononyl alcohol (INA), isodecyl alcohol (IDA)
    Specialty Chemicals
    2-ethyl hexanoic acid, isononanoic acid, DAAM (diacetone acrylamide), high-purity solvents (PM-P, PMA-P, etc.), Diols

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