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    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.

    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
    1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
    100-0004 Tokyo
    Tel: ‎81-3-5205-7200
    Fax: ‎81-3-5205-7129

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    Strategy & Goals  

    year 2014

    Become a global specialty pharmaceutical company

    Our business vision is to be a Japan-based global specialty pharmaceutical company contributing to human health and well-being worldwide through innovative drug discovery and global commercialization, driven by cutting-edge antibody technologies mainly in the core therapeutic areas of oncology, nephrology and immunology.

    The Kyowa Hakko Kirin Group formulated the Medium-Term Business Plan – 2013 to 2015 to achieve its vision. The Group is now in a new stage in its drive toward becoming a global specialty pharmaceutical company. Over these three years, we will steadily build the foundation for making the leap to that goal by executing three basic strategies: maximize the value of our business in Japan, expand our business base in the United States, Europe and Asia, and improve revenue and profitability in our biochemicals business.

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