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    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.

    Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
    1-9-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
    100-0004 Tokyo
    Tel: ‎81-3-5205-7200
    Fax: ‎81-3-5205-7129

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    Business Segments  

    year 2014

    A Unique Business Structure

    The drug discovery business for ethical pharmaceuticals is at the core of the Kyowa Hakko Kirin Group. Our unique business structure that also incorporates biosimilars, diagnostics and bio-chemicals provides us with many business opportunities, and enables us to offset the high-risk drug discovery business. Few companies are like Kyowa Hakko Kirin, and the possibilities from synergies among our businesses are a Kyowa Hakko Kirin Group strength.

    Ethical Pharmaceuticals

    Focusing on the categories of nephrology, oncology, immunology/allergy and the central nervous system, we are enhancing cooperation from research and development to production, sales and marketing to rapidly evolve into a major player. We will steadily launch products from our well-stocked pipeline of development candidates while creating an effective, highly specialized sales and marketing organization with the objective of earning the trust of health care providers.

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