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    Niraku GC Holdings, Inc.

    Niraku GC Holdings, Inc.
    1-24 Hohaccho 2-chome, Koriyama-shi
    Fukushima, Japan
    Tel: ‎(+81) [0]24-992-3339

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    Chairman of the Board Director and Chief Executive Officer

    Hisanori TANIGUCHI 谷口 久徳

    Director and Chief Operating Officer

    Akinori OHISHI 大石 明徳
    Director and Senior Executive Officer
    Masataka WATANABE 渡辺 将敬

    Non-Executive Director

    Hiroshi BANNAI 坂内 弘

    Independent Non-executive Director

    Michio MINAKATA 南方 美千雄
    Yoshihiro KOIZUMI 小泉 義広
    Kuraji KUTSUWATA 轡田 倉治
    Akihito TANAKA 田中 秋人

    Executive Officer

    Hidenori MOROTA 諸田 英模

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