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    Embla Medical hf

    Embla Medical hf
    Grjothals 5
    110 Reykjavik
    Tel: ‎+ 354 515 1300
    Fax: ‎+ 354 515 1366
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    Press releases  

    2008-05-16 23:59:00

    Ossur and Oscar Pistorius Celebrate the CAS Ruling

    May 16, 2008 (Reykjavik, Iceland) - At Ossur, we are celebrating that Oscar Pistorius has been vindicated and that, thanks to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), an objective process is in place that will make it possible for him to again compete in IAAF-sanctioned events, and possibly the Olympics. "I am delighted and proud on this historical day because now there is nothing to hold Oscar back. All the obstacles in his path have been swept away, and we will again have an opportunity to watch as this extraordinary young man changes how we perceive sport," said Jon Sigurdsson, president and CEO of Ossur. After thirty years of experience in the research and testing of prosthetic limb technology, Ossur was adamant that the original testing procedure conducted on behalf of the IAAF, where the prosthesis was analyzed separately as a component, and not as a completely integrated part of his body, had generated incomplete and erroneous information. Ossur has always maintained that prosthesis is what makes amputees whole and able to engage in activities such as walking and running. "As you can imagine I have been struggling to hide my smile," said Oscar, a Team Ossur member. "I can definitely say the truth has come out. We have the opportunity once again to chase my dream of participating in an Olympics. if not in 2008 then in 2012." Ossur applauds the process and congratulates Oscar. His determination and perseverance - together with the efforts of many people who believed in him and understood that any other ruling would have been a travesty - have broken down yet another barrier for amputee athletes who must give more just to be good enough. The future looks very bright for active amputees who are working so hard to overcome many challenges and live their lives without limitations. Ossur Ossur (NASDAQ/OMX: OSSR) is a global leader in non-invasive orthopaedics that help people live a life without limitations. Its business is focused on improving people's mobility through the delivery of innovative technologies within the fields of braces, supports, prosthetic limbs and compression therapies. A recognized "Technology Pioneer," Ossur invests significantly in research and product development; its award-winning designs ensuring a consistently strong position in the market. Successful patient and clinical outcomes are further empowered via Ossur's educational programs and business solutions. Headquartered in Iceland, Ossur has major operations in the Americas, Europe and Asia, with additional distributors worldwide. www.ossur.com

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