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    Embla Medical hf

    Embla Medical hf
    Grjothals 5
    110 Reykjavik
    Tel: ‎+ 354 515 1300
    Fax: ‎+ 354 515 1366
    E-mail: mail@ossur.com

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    Business Segments  

    year 2014

    Business Segments

    Bracing and Supports

    • Össur’s bracing and supports products are used primarily to support joints and other body parts for therapeutic and preventative purposes. The bracing and supports market includes devices supporting spinal, knee, hip, foot, ankle and upper extremities. The Company offers a comprehensive line of custom made and off-the-shelf products with primary focus on Osteoarthritis and Injury Solutions.

    • Össur’s management estimates that the size of the bracing and supports market within the U.S., EMEA and APAC is in the range of USD 2.7 to 3.0 billion. Össur is the second largest company operating in the global bracing and supports market with market share approximately 10%.


    • Prosthetics are artificial limbs and related products for individuals who were born without limbs or who have had limbs amputated. Össur offers a full range of premium lower limb prosthetics, including liners, knees and feet.

    • Össur’s management estimates that the size of the prosthetic market within the U.S., EMEA and APAC is approximately USD 1.0-1.2 billion. Össur is the second largest company operating in the prosthetics market with market share approximately 20%.

    Market environment in both segments has similar characteristics.


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