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    Embla Medical hf

    Embla Medical hf
    Grjothals 5
    110 Reykjavik
    電話: ‎+ 354 515 1300
    ファクシミリ: ‎+ 354 515 1366
    電子メール: mail@ossur.com

    English |

    Össur hf. is a global leader in the non-invasive orthopaedics market. The Company focuses on improving people’s mobility. Össur delivers advanced and innovative solutions within the fields of bracing and supports, prosthetics and compression therapy.

    Össur is known as a technical leader in the field of prosthetics and is one of the leading companies in bracing and supports. The compression therapy products are only sold in France.

    The Company was founded in 1971 as a prosthetic clinic and has since then grown through innovation and acquisitions in both prosthetics and bracing and supports. Today Össur has a strong position in the industry and in key markets and is in a good position to leverage on future growth opportunities.

    Össur has been a listed company since 1999 and on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen in since 2009. The Company has operations in 13 countries and 1850 employees.

    Össur is headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland. The Company’s sales are well diversified by segments and geography. Sales in 2012 amounted to USD 399 million and were split as follows:

    52% Americas 52% Bracing and supports
    43% EMEA 43% Prosthetics
    5% Asia 5% Compression therapy

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    株式データ グラフ 機能的原因分析
    Embla Medical (COP)‎  
    最新値 28,60      変更 % 0,00 

    最新の取引10件 DKK
    時間 最新値 出来高
    14:13:51 28,60 150
    14:07:14 29,00 4
    14:03:07 28,60 34
    12:27:54 29,00 7
    11:45:52 29,00 4
    11:22:06 29,00 14
    10:52:12 29,00 35
    10:22:01 29,00 1
    10:20:36 29,00 100
    10:20:36 29,00 2
    株価 DKK
    時間 14:13:51
    最新値 28,60
    変更 % 0,00 
    変更 0,00 
    買い気配/売り気配 28,60 / 29,00
    始値 29,20
    高値/安値 29,20 / 28,60
    出来高 2 467
    前日終値 28,60
    52 週間高値 35,70
    52 週間安値 25,25
    52 週間前比%   -12,00 
    年初比 %   4,18 
    Volatility (変動率) 34,24
    Beta 0,18
    相関関係 0,11
    銘柄コード EMBLA
    市場  コペンハーゲン
    市場  Large Cap
    国内産業  医療保健
    ユーロランド-業種  医療技術と用品
    株 (百万株)1 427,64
    時価総額 (百万) 12 230,39
    1 - 特定の株式種類の株式数。もしくは発行済み株式総数

     OMX Copenhagen Cap
     OMX Nordic Mid Cap EUR PI
     N Health Care EUR PI
     N Health Care EUR PI
     OMXC Health Care PI
     OMX Copenhagen Large Cap

    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    データは vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEXにより提供

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