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    CNOOC Ltd.

    CNOOC Ltd.
    65/F, Bank of China Tower
    1 Garden Road
    Hong Kong
    Tel: ‎(852) 2213 2500
    Fax: ‎(852) 2525 9322

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    2005-06-29 09:29:00

    Unusual price movement

    Listed Company Information
    Listed Company Information
    CNOOC<00883> - Unusual price movement
    The Stock Exchange has received a message from CNOOC Limited which is
    reproduced as follows:-
    "                               CNOOC Limited  
    (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability under the Companies           
                                 (Stock Code: 883)
    This statement is made at the request of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong 
    The directors of CNOOC Limited (the "Company") have noted yesterday's 
    increase in the price of the shares of the Company and wish to state that, 
    save for the Company's announcement dated 22 June 2005 that it has 
    proposed a merger with Unocal Corporation and the subsequent global media 
    coverage this proposed transaction has received, the Board is not aware of 
    any reasons for such increase.  
    Save as disclosed above in relation to Unocal Corporation, the Board 
    confirms that there are no negotiations or agreements relating to intended 
    acquisitions or realisations which are discloseable under Rule 13.23 of 
    the Listing Rules, and neither is the Board aware of any matter 
    discloseable under the general obligation imposed by Rule 13.09 of the 
    Listing Rules, which is or may be of a price sensitive nature.
    Made by the order of CNOOC Limited, the Board of directors of which 
    individually and jointly accept responsibility for the accuracy of this 
    As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises of: 
    Executive Directors
    Chengyu Fu (Chairman)
    Han Luo
    Shouwei Zhou
    Guangqi Wu
    Independent non-executive Directors:
    Sung Hong Chiu
    Professor Kenneth S. Courtis
    Evert Henkes
    Tse Hau Yin, Aloysius
    By Order of the Board 
    CNOOC Limited
    Yunshi Cao
    Company Secretary
    Hong Kong, 29 June 2005"

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