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    China Everbright Ltd.

    China Everbright Ltd.
    46/F, Far East Finance Centre
    16 Harcourt Road
    Hong Kong
    Tel: ‎(852) 2823 2676
    Fax: ‎(852) 2529 0177

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    Financial Calendar  

    year 2015


    China Everbright Group Ltd., (“CEG”) was founded in Hong Kong and has maintained an operational presence in Beijing and Hong Kong for the last 33 years. China Everbright Limited (“CEL” or “the Group”), the CEG’s international flagship, has grown alongside Hong Kong for over two decades. Today, CEG combines the full spectrum of financial service licenses with leading-edge corporate capabilities, and it possesses unrivalled strengths that have propelled it into the ranks of the world’s top 500 companies.

    CEG’s remarkable performance in 2015 is attributable to CEL’s achievements on three fronts . Firstly, CEL serves as the Group’s international flagship and the window onto the financial world. Secondly, it is a major contributor to the Group’s value. In 2015, CEL posted an operating income of HK$2.13 billion, up 26.3% year on year; profit attributable to equity shareholders was HK$5.14 billion, an increase of 101% compared with the same period last year. And shareholder equity reached HK$39.4 billion. The company also maintained its gearing ratio at a healthy 33.8%. Thirdly, CEL provides a base of strategic reserves, helping the company connect internally with its sister companies and externally with well-known corporations to play the multiple roles of investor, financier and fund manager. This year the company acquired shares in the Jiabao Group, took over US companies BEP and Lapmaster, and set up a fund of funds (FoF).

    These successful efforts have contributed admirably to CEL’s intrinsic value and CEG’s new strategic maneuvers. I applaud CEL for its achievements, and I am confident that the company will reach new heights in the future.

    We have proved our mettle over the years, but the global, Chinese and Hong Kong economies are encountering difficult times. I believe that our industrious colleagues, respected shareholders and valued clients will work together to stay on top of any emerging challenges. Let’s make the coming year an occasion for celebration!

    Tang Shuangning

    23 March 2016

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