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    Sino-Ocean Group Ltd.

    Sino-Ocean Group Ltd.
    Suite 601, One Pacific Place
    88 Queensway
    Hong Kong
    Tel: ‎+852 28992880
    Fax: ‎+852 28992006
    E-mail: ir@sinooceanland.com

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    Press releases  

    2009-12-28 18:37:00


    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this document, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this document. (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance) (Stock Code: 03377) 29 December 2009 Dear Shareholder, Letter to Existing Shareholders – Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications We are pleased to enclose the circular dated 29 December 2009 (the “Current Corporate Communication”) of Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited (the “Company”). Please note that the Current Corporate Communication in both English and Chinese are available on our corporate website at www.sinooceanland.com for five years from the date of publication. Those shareholders of the Company who (i) have received a printed copy of the Current Corporate Communication in either English or Chinese and would like to receive a printed copy in the other language; or (ii) have chosen to read the Current Corporate Communication posted on our corporate website in lieu of receiving printed copies and would like to receive a printed copy; or (iii) wish to change their choice of language and means of receipt of all future Corporate Communications (note) of the Company, please complete the enclosed Change Request Form and return it by post using the mailing label (if posted in Hong Kong, otherwise, please affix an appropriate stamp) or by hand to the Company c/o Company’s share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, or send it using email to sinooceanland.ecom@computershare.com.hk. The Change Request Form may also be downloaded from the Company’s website at www.sinooceanland.com. You are entitled at any time by reasonable notice in writing or by email to the Company’s share registrar to change your choice of language and means of receiving Corporate Communications. If you have any queries relating to this letter, please call our hotline on (852) 2862 8555 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays). Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited Sum Pui Ying Company Secretary Encl. Note: “Corporate Communications” refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of holders of any of its securities, including but not limited to, the directors’ report and annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report, the interim report, a notice of meeting, a listing document, a circular and a proxy form.(incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance) (Stock Code: 03377) 03377 CHANGE REQUEST FORM To: Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited (the “Company”) c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Rooms 1806-7, 18th Floor, Hopewell Centre 183 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai 18 1806-7 Hong Kong Part A – To receive the printed version of circular dated 29 December 2009 (the “Current Corporate Communication”) in another language: (Please tick only one box) √ I/We have already received the English version of the Current Corporate Communication but I/we would like to receive a Chinese version; or I/We have already received the Chinese version of the Current Corporate Communication but I/we would like to receive an English version; or I/We have chosen to access the Current Corporate Communication posted on the Company’s website at www.sinooceanland.com but I/we would like to receive a printed copy of the Current Corporate Communication in *English/Chinese/both English and Chinese (*please delete where inappropriate) (www.sinooceanland.com) * * Part B – To change the choice of language and means of receipt of future Corporate Communications (note) : I/We would like to change my/our previous choice and request to receive future Corporate Communications of the Company to be issued not less than 10 business days after the date hereof in the following manner: 10 (Please tick only one box) √ (a) To rely on the Corporate Communications posted on the Company’s website in lieu of any or all of the printed copies referred to in (b) to (d) below and to receive a printed copy of the relevant notification of the publication of the Corporate Communications on the Company’s website; or (b) (d) (b) To receive the printed English version of the Corporate Communications only; or (c) To receive the printed Chinese version of the Corporate Communications only; or (d) To receive both the printed English and Chinese versions of the Corporate Communications. Signature(s) Date Name(s) of Shareholder(s) Contact Telephone Number Note: “Corporate Communications” refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of holders of any of its securities, including but not limited to, the directors’ report and annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report, the interim report, a notice of meeting, a listing document, a circular and a proxy form. ✄ Please cut the mailing label and stick this on the envelope to return this Reply Form to us. No postage stamp necessary if posted in Hong Kong. MAILING LABEL Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Freepost No.37 Hong Kong


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