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    Sino-Ocean Group Ltd.

    Sino-Ocean Group Ltd.
    Suite 601, One Pacific Place
    88 Queensway
    Hong Kong
    Tel: ‎+852 28992880
    Fax: ‎+852 28992006
    E-mail: ir@sinooceanland.com

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    Business Segments  

    year 2018

    SinoOcean RealEstate

    Residential property development business is the main driving force for growth of Sino-Ocean Group. Sino-Ocean Group owns over 100 real estate projects under different development stages in the fast-growing cities and city agglomeration of China, including Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou in Yangtze River Delta region; Wuhan, Hefei and Changsha in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River; Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhongshan in Pearl River Delta region; Chengdu and Chongqing in Cheng-Yu region; as well as other core cities. As of December 31, 2017, the land reserves of Sino-Ocean Group reached 34 million square meters. Sino-Ocean Group mainly focuses on “mature” and ”young” families, devoted to developing products for necessary needs and improvement demands.

    SinoOcean Commercial Property

    With vigor in its products and services, Sino-Ocean Commercial Property attracts people in different stages of life to be willing to share their understanding of the times with it; as for positive influence on the development of regions and cities, it incorporates its vision of future into products and services, which helps facilitate the joint development of an entire area and the wider city. The increasing power pushes the regional improvement and the city prosperity, and the great vigor of Sino-Ocean contributes a lot to the realization of its value.

    Real estate development investment business is one of core businesses of Sino-Ocean Group. With “complex and office premises” as strategic development categories, Sino-Ocean Group seeks for new great-leap-forward development and involves in urban complex, regional centralized commerce, high-end office buildings, etc.

    For urban complex business, Sino-Ocean Group will focus on promoting investment in mid-to-high end projects in the first-tier cities and some potential and economically leading second-tier cities. Relying on local cultural and historical background, it will build some modern urban commercial complex benchmark with special cultural characteristics. The “Future Series” urban community centralized commerce independently developed and operated by Sino-Ocean Group, has been developed in core business areas in Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, etc., to provide high-quality community life for customers.

    For office building property, Sino-Ocean Group will focus on strengthening its holding of investments in high-end projects in the first-tier core cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It has successfully operated Ocean Plaza, Ocean International Center, Ocean Office Park and other high-end office premises properties, and wins the good reputation in the market. Sino-Ocean Group will also deploy intelligent service office space and deeply cooperate with WeWork which is the founder of co-working space.

    SinoOcean Service

    Future innovation model of Sino-Ocean Service is to create new value by relying on comprehensive and efficient services. While providing considerate and satisfactory services for clients, we create new value by connecting resources to our clients with new means and new platforms.

    SinoOcean Capital

    With foresight and sagacity, Sino-Ocean Capital explores new methods and ways of financing and industrial innovation, effectively utilizes capital means with unique vision in investment project to create win-win situation for customers by effective capital management and value.

    Real estate finance is the core business actively developed by Sino-Ocean Group. On the base of the advantages of real estate industry chain layout of Sino-Ocean Group and powerful shareholder background, financial resources, and absorbing or combining external resources, its investment scope includes sales type property, holding type property, equity investment, asset management and overseas assets, and its business categories cover real estate equity, creditor's rights, private equity, and other businesses.

    SinoOcean Construction

    Sino-Ocean Construction is one of five core businesses of Sino-Ocean Group, relying on professional development capacities and focusing on expanding new business brands, such as internal products realization, external commissioned development and PPP. Based on craftsmanship, ingenuity and technology accumulation, Sino-Ocean Construction is aimed to provide high-quality and healthy housing condition and improve people’s living conditions by way of standard management and resource synergy. With the mission to promote professional development and create value, Sino-Ocean Construction undertakes to complete the products entrusted to it with originality and increase the land value with its professional skills.

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