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    Sino-Ocean Group Ltd.

    Sino-Ocean Group Ltd.
    Suite 601, One Pacific Place
    88 Queensway
    Hong Kong
    Tel: ‎+852 28992880
    Fax: ‎+852 28992006
    Correo electrónico: ir@sinooceanland.com

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    Estrategia y objetivos  

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    汉语 | English
    Año 2013

    Our Strategy

    Faced with new market conditions and changes in 2014, our Group is going to operate on the principles of ‘exploring potential savings on costs, improving core profits, consolidating our foundation and charting future strategy’.

    Our Group will use the industry and market standards as benchmarks to tighten cost control in all aspects of operation. Measures will include continuous research on product line and application on land acquisition; exercising strategic purchasing to enjoy the scale of economy; setting definite cost targets; building a data bank on costs at Group level and monitoring internal and external costs.

    In addition to tightening cost control on finance, administration, sales and promotion to ensure core net profit, our Group will also develop sales techniques in line with market movements, pace new launches and determine prices in a flexible manner to encourage sale and raise asset turnover. We will also take out interest-bearing loans at a reasonable level to improve our debt structure both domestically and overseas and to widen finance channels.

    Our Group will also consolidate our business foundation to enable greater development. We will grasp opportunities and explore new channels for investing in quality land resource in first and popular second-tier cities for a balanced structure in the mid to long term. In terms of commercial properties and assisted living business, our Group will continue to reinforce our professional knowledge, move prudently and fully exploit synergy from our various businesses. In addition, our Group’s consolidated management information system is ready for full trial run after a considerable amount of work was put in. The new system should render huge support in raising management efficiency, lowering costs, business development and process re-engineering.


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