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    Far East Horizon Ltd.

    Far East Horizon Ltd.
    Suite 6305, 63/F, Central Plaza
    18 Harbour Rd, Wanchai
    Hong Kong
    Puh: ‎852-2588 8688
    Faksi: ‎852-2511 8660
    Sähköposti: IR-Horizon@sinochem.com

    Tämä sivu on saatavilla seuraavilla kielillä:
    汉语 | English

    Far East Horizon Limited (the “Company” or “Far East Horizon”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) is one of China’s leading innovative financial companies focusing on the Chinese fundamental industries and leveraging the business model of integrating finance and industry to serve enterprises of greatest vitality with the support of the fast-growing and enormous economy in China. Based on its operational philosophy of “finance + industry”, Far East Horizon endeavours to realize its vision of “Integrating global resources and promoting China’s industries” by making innovations in products and services to provide our customers with tailor-made integrated operations services. Over the past more than 10 years, the Group has been leading the development of the industry, and has been listed among the Fortune China 500 and Forbes Global 2000.

    Over the past two decades, the Group has evolved from a single financial service company into an integrated service provider with a global vision centered on China so as to facilitate national economic and sustainable social development. With the creative integration of industrial services and financial capital and with unique advantages in the organization of resources and value added services, we provide integrated finance, investment, trade, advisory and engineering services in healthcare, education, infrastructure construction, transportation, packaging, industrial machinery, electronic information, urban public utility as well as other fundamental sectors. The Group, headquartered in Hong Kong, has business operations centers in Shanghai and Tianjin, and has offices in major cities throughout China such as Beijing, Shenyang, Ji’nan, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha, Shenzhen, Xi’an, Harbin, Xiamen, Kunming, Hefei, Nanning and Urumqi, forming a client service network that covers the national market. The Group has been successfully operating its multiple specialized business platforms in China and abroad in financial services, industrial investment, hospital investment and operations, equipment operation services, high-end education, trade brokerage, management consulting, engineering services, etc.

    The Company was officially listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Stock Exchange”) on 30 March 2011.

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    Valitse osakelaji
    Far East Horizon (FRK)‎  
    Viimeisin 0,51      Muutos % -0,98 
    Lisää osakesalkkuun
    Lisää seurantalistaan
    Lisää hälytyksiin

    Aika Viimeisin Määrä
    08:05:44 0,51 -
    08:21:42 / 2024-07-15 0,51 -
    08:03:01 / 2024-07-12 0,52 -
    08:05:56 / 2024-07-11 0,50 -
    08:05:03 / 2024-07-11 0,50 -
    12:16:19 / 2024-07-10 0,63 10 267
    10:30:02 / 2024-07-10 0,50 -
    08:05:03 / 2024-07-10 0,50 -
    08:03:19 / 2024-07-10 0,50 -
    08:10:26 / 2024-07-09 0,50 -
    Tässä näkyvä aika perustuu Euroland.com-sivustolla valitsemaasi aikavyöhykkeeseen
    Aika 08:05:44
    Viimeisin 0,51
    Muutos-% -0,98 
    Muutos -0,01 
    Osto/Myynti 0,58 / 0,63
    Avaus 0,51
    Ylin/Alin 0,51 / 0,51
    Määrä 0
    Edellinen päätös 0,51
    52 viikon ylin 0,84
    52 viikon alin 0,50
    52 viikon %   -18,40 
    Vuod. alusta %   -25,00 
    Volatiliteetti 98,99
    Beta -0,01
    Korrelaatio -0,00
    Tunnus F6H
    Markkina  Frankfurt
    Lista  Open Market
    Paikallinen toimiala  Muu
    Euroland-toimiala  Vuokraus
    Osakkeet (miljoonia)1 4 319,91
    Markkina-arvo (miljoonia) 2 203,15
    1 - Osakkeiden määrä tietyssä osakeluokassa. Muussa tapauksessa se on osakeannin kokonaismäärä.


    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Tietojen välittäjät vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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